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Everything posted by Mello

  1. Around 2" of snow here just NW of Atlanta and still coming down. Edit: Can hear the sleet starting to mix in now.
  2. A pretty normal sized eye that's still in the process of clearing out in an intensifying hurricane. Pretty sure hurricane Delta in 2020 was the last Atlantic hurricane with a real pinhole eye.
  3. The pinhole eye comments are a bit weenie IMO. It's more clear on other IR color scales that the eye is not cleared out yet. And we have radar and relatively recent recon data showing the eye is about 20 mi wide. The eye will likely clear out in the coming hours.
  4. All snow now in NW Atlanta. Coming down at a good clip and starting to accumulate.
  5. No, basic services like this shouldn't be nickle and dimed. The focus should be on saving people. If this is really such an issue that action has to be taken (I don't think we're there yet) I'd rather it be a criminal offense for non-residents to put themselves in evacuation areas.
  6. A flyover of Marsh Harbour Airport on Abaco:
  7. This is just ridiculous. I was prepared for some sleet with some snow on the back end, but for this to end up with mostly freezing rain and sleet...so disappointing. That HRRR that people this morning were saying had a massive warm bias ended up being too cold here. Along with most everything else. Sigh.
  8. Of course it's your decision. If I'm perfectly honest, if I have 5 min warning and a radar loop I very well might make the same decision. Doesn't mean that a lot of people aren't going to screw up trying it though. Many of which would have been perfectly safe if they took shelter at home.
  9. My biggest concern is more people thinking like this. It's going to lead to some needless deaths.
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