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Everything posted by dsaur

  1. Just got up and looked out and nothing. Radar has me in it, but it's virga.
  2. Glad you went 'cause you're going to get some of my sleet Hope there is a good hill close by. I've got the generator set, solar batteries all charged up as are the Mavic 3 and Avata, and the sleds at hand, the memory foam with the belly hole cut out so I can lay down, the snow tires ready, stuff covered that I don't want iced for a week. I'm set...ready for the good stuff. Currently 37. The column is cold and dry, virga entering Ala....looking like it won't bust. But I know not to believe it until I see it falling.
  3. And like you I've come to embrace snow more, if it comes. I always liked it but sledding on roads was always paramount. Now my reckless days are past, I can relax and contemplate in the stillness of falling snow...listening to the flakes rubbing against each other as they fall, painting the world in shades of white, with contrasting deep browns and evergreen. And anyway, I've constructed a snow sled out the a slalom ski split down the middle, so I can do grass hills now too, lol. The coming storm as depicted gives me plenty of types to play in, as long as that low stays south. I don't see how the precip can be frozen being that close to the furnace. I think the models are still confused even this close to the event.
  4. That was my second favorite storm ever. Best sledding storm by far. I had a VW with a studded snow tire on the drive wheel, and we could go anywhere. Up any hill, so we sledded all over town, but ended up on Amsterdam where we went from the top, over the cross road at the bottom then down to devil's dive, an even steeper hill, but not very long... so it was a good two block run, down between cars parked on both sides. 2am and loving it. Riding tandem so probably doing close to 30.... face down inches from the ice, blinded by tears, steering by instinct...and lived thru it, lol. I was living by Lenox Square at the time and could watch it come down with Davison's all lit up under floods, and it was snow for maybe half an hour and I was chanting the whole time...sleet, sleet, sleet....I've taken credit for that storm via the force of my mantra I've a steep hill on a county road down here, but not near as long as Amsterdam in midtown. Amsterdam had cars on both sides, and the county road has a bridge abutment, so you have to go straight. Danger adds spice when you 30, but is totally insane at 77. I have to slide sitting up now, as if I lie down on the sled, that's probably where they'll find me frozen the next day, lol. 28 degrees now and just waiting...
  5. Things can always be worse than zr...... https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/falling-iguana-alert-amid-cold-temperatures-in-florida/1730875
  6. Thanks to those wishing me a good sleet storm. I have the moles in a sleet thrum, I'm doing a sleet dance...not something anyone wants to see, and I'm pulling this one in big time, lol. To those that don't know, my first big thrill storm was pure sleet back in 60, I think Larry and I worked out. The clouds lowered to the roof tops as I wait by the car to ride to school....never saw clouds that low except when crossing Mont Eagle, and then whoof, a ton of sleet just fell all at once. It was roaring and at least an inch..surely more.. fell in a few minutes. I was a crossing guard at the bottom of a huge hill, at Inman school, for those in Atl, and I was walking the kiddies across the street while cars came down it like bumper cars, lol. We hide behind a wall until the latest fool slid into the curb and I'd run them across, then wait for the next chance. It was fabulous....beyond amazing.. I was in paradise and ever since, going on 65 years I guess, it's been my favorite ever. Way better than snow. Sleet is pure joy to me, and I'd trade 8 inches of pretty but worthless snow, for an inch of sleety concrete every time. So, yeah, I'm a sicko, but we all have our little proclivities...
  7. Sorry, just checking in. Yep, a few miles nw. Some of the latest models had me mostly sleet, I saw an 850 at 2, so it's real borderline, but it usually is unless it's snow.
  8. Well, you've wondered what 73 was like, lol. This won't be 3 or 4 inches, but if it goes bad it will be pretty bad, so you could get a flavor of it. And if it's all snow and sleet, you'd get to sled on the roads. And take walks in a wonder land. All those ballasts exploding and limbs and trees falling all night.... and the poles down everywhere with live wires... is scary as can be, so it's like a forced horror fun amusement park from hell with out the rabid clowns. People pay to get scared, and you will be scared
  9. Elevation seems to have little to do with it. I'm 35 to 50 feet lower that the heart of Atl , much higher than 6 flags, maybe 35 lower than Jonesboro, about 100 lower than Fulton Co stadium, yet so many of the models seem to have I20 programmed in, lol. Waa gets to I 20 too. Cad gets past I20 also. Don't they know that??? At least this time Macon is invited to the party.
  10. Wouldn't surprise me to see it push well into Ala. The one today has been really stout.
  11. That front running batch Fri morning is very interesting. Could set the table for the whole event. Mostly likely ip that early as the column moistens up.
  12. And there's the devil dance that comes with sleet and zr. .8 of zr is bad, bad news. Thanks for the news, Larry, lol. Hope it's more sleet than zr. Still plenty of time for it to go all ip, or sn.
  13. This is so typical in cases that look like this. With a surge across the middle. Mostly sleet and zr, with enough snow to make it perfect. Just amounts are typically low, but if this verifies that's not low on sleet. That's great! Only it's still way too early to get excited. When it's showing this Wed night and Thurs, I'll start to think it might happen. Such is the nature of backyard totals this far out. Today it's a foot, tomorrow an inch, then.....?
  14. Best storms ever, and several good sleet storms down here too. Just got to be in the band that runs thru n central Ga. Had some bad zr storms though, too. Always on the edge down here when one of these comes across. It's going to get cold according to my point cast, and now with sn, zr and rain. And a mix is pretty standard for these...unless it busts due to the devil line I 20 barrier.
  15. Hey, Shack! Hope she sleds because she's going to have perfection for it. I've seen that, or close, 4 times and they are my favorite storms by far. I think this is a long from settled and there will be lots of surprises, good and bad. Right now it's 47 even with a hot sun in the heat of the day in north central Ga., and more cold air coming, so I think it's about the moisture and if a storm, the waa...not the available cold. All we need is 32 low enough in the column. I'm figuring to be in the several county mostly sleet/snow band......or very sad rain, if it's a fizzle. I was 25 last night so fine for frozen with a cold ground.
  16. Yep, I hate the z monster too, but to get sleet which is my favorite, I have to dance with zrain. That damned waa.
  17. Thanks, Larry. Doing fine here, and hope Sav gets something out of whatever happens It's a sign of how bad things have been that we are living and dying each day on fantasy storms way out in way out land.
  18. .3 is way better than I've had in years, so I'm good with that, lol. Even .3 of zr would be more than a nuisance, but it would be something frozen. And mix in some sleet, and I could still go sliding. That's about what I got in 05 and I had a heck of a good time on it and that's the last time I could sled on concrete. Nearly 20 years, Larry, 20 years. That just ain't right!
  19. Sounds like some bank of Crays needs more buoy data. Look out side when the time comes is still be best predictor, lol. Climo says it's a good time, so let's wait and see. Of course climo is in the process of adjusting too...so look outside to be sure
  20. Kind of reminds me of the 73 bowling ball. I've been reading about the year without a summer, and they were complaining about the warm winters, and how it used to get cold, etc. and it was warm right until about a year after Tambora blew...then suddenly heavy snows in May and off they went, lol. Of course we don't have a historic volcano going off, but other things can make anomalous weather. Of course they had a huge sun spot that looked like a spider on the sun, and people were watching it without fear because of all the dust...so watch out for spiders on the sun.
  21. Thanks, Abacus Man, I've had my trace to a quarter, and heard some sleet patter early in the season, and that's more than I usually get, lol, so I'll deal. Especially with such a pleasant day like today was. Sunny and crisp...reminded me of winter beginning, not ending.
  22. Now the NWS and the system to the sw are mocking me. A forecast low of 28 tonight, fully in clouds now, and 50 at 6pm, with a lot of precip in MIss, some in Ala, and a bunch sw of Miss. all headed toward me. So if one speeds up and the other slows down, I could could get some glory. Guess which one is probably going to speed up, or dissipate, and which is likely to slow down?? And even if Santa should suddenly appear, the outcome would probably be the same, but I'm drunk on hopium so I'll keep an eye on it all, lol.
  23. With a low of 27 to a high of 80 forecast this week it's a typical messed up winter for the 00's so far. 8.4 to open the season, and 27 near the close, with spring in between. It just ain't right. I've lived a long time, and seen a lot of winters, and this one just ain't right, lol. Last time I got in a real good frozen street sledding was in 05, and it's been so long, I'm not sure I could get up from the sled, if I managed to get down there now. Thanks a lot, climo, you and your geologic time.
  24. I need to be sure of something, Mr. Abacus....for every day I get over 80 in Jan, Feb and March I get a huge big ginormos ip/sn storm, is that like climo guaranteed? You got the cold right, so I need to suss out the rest. Is it like one big huge storm for all the over 80's, or is it many separate storms through out spring?? Whatever, I think I've done enough weathering of nasty winter heat to deserve a sleetapoxyclips. Oh, and I do appreciate the coming freezes....and the moles are still wearing Larry masks, so that fantasy storm is sure to verify.
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