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Everything posted by Huffwx

  1. There was still a winter storm watch Sunday AM< upgraded to a warning for 4-8 where I was in Northen Delaware with the afternoon package.
  2. Jan 87 was not on par surprise with Jan 2000. We knew there'd be a nor' easter on Jan 22. We had Winter Storm Watches issued on Jan 21st in the morning package. They upgraded the areas NW of the big cites on the evening of the 21st and the 95 track was 1-2 inches, before changing to rain, but the Watch was up still. I was in Wilmington, Delaware and we were upgraded to a warning about 8pm Wednesday evening (Forecast at that time came from Sterling, not PHL) for 4 inches, then sleet and rain and then before the snow started Thursday am, 6-8 inches, possibly mixed with sleet. Night and day to me surprise wise.. Wes Junker tells a good story how the NGM had the colder profiles and was higher res...
  3. The answer is 96 and it's not that close. Other storms may of had bigger impacts, but in smaller regions. 96 had 18 + from VA/NC border NE to NYC. It was the largest coverage of the largest totals. 79..DC to Philly focused 83-83 Maybe second considering all things and the 18 spot in Richmond. 86-87 impressive back to back totals but that's not ONE event. 02-03, not much snow south of DC. sleet city. Dec 09 was close but you lose Richmond and the Beach areas which had 6-12 or more in 96. Feb 10 such a broad area of 6-12 ish in Southern VA, lesser amounts into PA and parts of NJ
  4. This. People can say what was best for THEIR house, but largest coverage of over 20 inches is Jan 1996
  5. LYH shattered a 120 year old record low-- at 52 last night. 1964 for some reason we were the warm spot. -- every other location had a record from that night.
  6. Yeah, I'm not as fond of this storm- ROA had 18, Amherst had 18. I had 14.5 if you do 6 hours but had 12 on the ground. Bands were JUST to my north 15 miles-- closer to route 60 than 460 near LYH. 14.5 wasn't bad, but even as the storm unfolded, the models had me getting 20-24 inches. I was hoping for 18.
  7. Horrific. I recall something from Andrew that was on that par--
  8. Yes, and that's backed by science. When the VA started running group therapy for PTSD clients, more often then not, the larger chunk of the group came out worse after sitting through groups where they talked about the specific combat events. It's been years since I read the reports, but my father was in involved in the study. There is a phase of atrophy where the focus needs to be on meditation (or something spiritual by choice) exercise and rebuilding. At some point, it may come up more often in conversation but never the grotesque harsh details.
  9. yes they did-- and while I think Ty is a good gu and like helping people, if he said 7 houses in 7 days one more itme I was going turn that thing off. I hope the one mom who lost two kids is in therapy-- she was very glossed over, more often than not- like disassoicated . I can't imagine having my kids swept out of my arms so it makes sense, but as a former mental health professional I'm concerned for her long term. They seemed to have close to the same model storm shelter you had added to your home as well. Very cool-- and I hope most tornado prone areas start to ad those. I'd like to see some push to make them more accessible via price/insurance/tax breaks. I'd pay an extra 100 bucks a year in taxes to help most homes get those in the next 2-3 years and prevent hearing of 170 lost lives. As always, appreicate how candid you were during all this.
  10. Just finished those episodes-- well done. That show often makes me tear up when there is loss of a child or something like that, the 2 moms who lost children was just horrible.
  11. Thanks for these links-- I'll check them out later. Was playing with the kids last night with the TV off and totally forgot about it until 10:15
  12. Great thread to read just before thanksgiving.. Much appreciation, JOMO
  13. Great storm-- always a little bittersweet to me-- 700 MB low was more north then progged.. After being modeled at 24 inches for 3 days, that last nudge just cut our qpf down to where Danville/Martinsvilee had less then an inch and we had about 1.2 inches (I measured 14.5 using every 6 hours, but max depth was 12.5 inches) Had about 15 minutes of sleet mixed too-- was funny cause it showed it perfectly on TWC radar. 12.5 inches is a great storm, but not the epic stuff you all had. The 18 inch line was literally 20 miles NW of my house.
  14. Love the tracker bus---but I think that kids a little too tall.

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