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About Huffwx

  • Birthday 05/31/1973

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Forest, VA
  • Interests
    Weather, Football, My Kids, Interesting People.

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  1. This. That 500 low goes negative a low forms over South Carolina
  2. Most won't remember but when the Jan 2000 storm passed over KC upper air vort (like this one will be close) they had a snow event that caused the icy roads that lead to the car wreck that ending up killing Derrick Thomas, albeit 2 weeks later. Morbid, i get it but I always connect the two.
  3. Huffwx

    Winter 2021-22

    Not that the reverse psychology works, but it seems the Euro and UK seasonal outlooks were promising in the 2 of past 3 winters. I guess last winter had some great features (-nao) with no blocking, so who knows. That be a super warm winter though.. like you said.
  4. Huffwx

    Winter 2021-22

    NYC Central Park has a 40 inch winter and someone complains about it-- Wow.
  5. That flat ridge in the GOM isn't helping anyone.
  6. Pretty warm out in front-- despite the NAO and lower heights near 50/50. IT's a timing issue where cold air is coming at the same time as the storm. Could end up 300 miles north or south depending on timing.
  7. I live just outside Lynchburg. Was 40 the day before and the day after. Snowed all day with temps in the mid 20's. We did have perfect timing with a HP sliding through but the air was more dry than cold. Take out the precip and we would have hit 40 that Sunday as well.
  8. Ji showed a graph where the NAO wasn't negative. I said a few times heights were higher Azorors were high as well and that is how they measure ( or use to) A lot of gray on on the calculations but agree base is warmer and PAC isn't helping. In early 02, we had blocking and it got colder as heights lowered. Had a suppressed storm Richmond to RDU.. maybe 12 at RDU again.
  9. Heights were high near Azores as well..
  10. We have high heights over Greenland but the block extends to near the Azores.
  11. Had about .3 at my place in Forest. My office is right behind WSET TV- the official measuring station for Lynchburg. They were shut out last year for the first time ever (We had .3 in Forest last year too) Not sure what fell here at my office counts as more than a trace.
  12. BWI: 14 DCA:9 IAD:17 RIC:5 Tiebreaker ( LYH): 12.5
  13. Yeah, only one day out of school with 15 inches where I was. If this vort passes to anyones south, they would get some crazy rates for a while.
  14. That was Feb 87. Temps hit upper 40s where i was but were at 37 when it started and hoovered around 32 all storm. Was a triple phaser actually.
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