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Everything posted by ROOSTA

  1. All this for 1-2", maybe 3"? IMBY bias is gone, no dog in the fight anymore. No map needed... Looking for an extreme event to get the adrenaline flowing once again. If I were still in the area desperation would be setting in, thus the emotional reactions. I get it! Pedestrian event. ***Maybe come for a visit to change the juju***
  2. Seeing an overachiever "pre-preforming" as the models turn. The s/w is powerful and its digging. Somebody is going to be surprised...
  3. Where is the NEXT one? I'm still looking E for any tropical system. LOL Local meteorologists speaking of the next blast of cold air (drop of 10F into the 60's) so break out the parkas. Then it's only 3 days, back to the 70's and 80's. I live vicariously till I move from this gun wielding, nut-job State.
  4. I never go on Twitter or "X" as its now called. The guy who owns is a nut case (very rich nut case) I will never keep feeding the rich, nor get involved in such a useless controlled platform. They collect every click, no,no electric signature from me! One of these threats has to deliver, just has to... I'm rooting for y'all.
  5. I forgot the year. A strong clipper swooped down and went to town, literally bombed out. You, Phil and Messenger where barking like dogs chasing squirrels. A BOMB if I recall?
  6. Love this place, ONE.....LOL said it all So close, Looks a little toasty... Here come the passive aggressive. Nice to watch from afar.
  7. Looks kind of toasty S of the border! How many times do you have to see the NAM off its rocker. I'm not biting yet, need model agreement.
  8. Didn't mean to divert the thread, my bad. We all have a cross to bear. We never know what goes on behind the statement, comments, life throws challenges at all of us. Again, I'm sorry for the OT statements.
  9. Exactly. Only now starting to control. 2 types of insulin with a Dexcom monitor. Old age sucks
  10. I have 2. I take over a dozen scripts. Once you start taking them, you're hooked. Took Eliquis for a year and the clots came back. Now on Xerolta, thankfully I have a good healthcare plan. Changes your perspective and attitude of life.
  11. My highest weight was 260lbs. age-56. Forced to retire, neurological issues from a slipped disc, lowest point in my life. I had to retire because of inability to walk or commute to work. My parents passed, bookended Mom in Dec and Dad in January. So, I moved to FL to start over. One day I had a podiatrist tell me I had circulation issues. A sore, an ulcer on my big toe. Long story short version- triple by-pass, a dozen stints, developed neuropathy in both legs, clots everywhere. I lost 140lbs. I was skin and bones coming in at 120lbs. My last visit to the hospital was due to DVT. Talk about painful OMG. Doctors stated I was terminal and that I ran out of procedures, no more surgeries and that the clots are going to kill me. Here one minute gone the next. TMI I REALLY WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS GET BURIED. I'll bet buried the other way... LOL
  12. NEXT.... In search of an extreme event. I do believe that there is a big-one in the deck of cards this season. aka HECS, a triple phaser. These 6-12" tracking for days just don't seem to cut-it. I want to see a cross polar blocking pattern, massive trough negatively tilted, SJ, NJ, banana 1050 to the N much like Sandy or the Perfect Storm backs in and stalls. Hey, one can dream.
  13. I left on the 01-12-15. If I only knew without a doubt would have stayed. First big snows hit a week later... No indication what-so-ever to what was going to happen. No idea that my health was going to fail either.
  14. OT I didn't know where to post this. Many people here are under-educated in this field of science. A new year, this URL is for those who would like to learn. I hope this helps some. Glossary of Meteorology
  15. The year I moved down here I missed the greatest stretch of SNE snowfall ever. I was so emotionally drained didn't even track any of it. ---- I would not give up on this yet. Only hope for a white xmas.
  16. It's always the next run or the other model. The "fix" is never satisfied. It all a tease. Could get a 3-footer and still looking for the next.... If you want to OD move to AK or the Canadian Rockies.
  17. Sure would like to see the OP models come around and show it. Give a day or two then maybe get excited. Slowly evolving into a coastal but not close to the ensembles YET. A great LR observation and analysis! It gonna snow... maybe.
  18. CC should be on a timescale much greater than the mesoscale seasonal effect of IMBY. The snap to warmer, wetter, stronger, never seen severity without question is occurring. The balance or unbalancing is precariously close to that scale tipping. I have no idea of what I'm talking about... all I know is it's happening in realtime. Honest!
  19. Just a little windy. I have a good feeling this snow season is going to be prolific. Pattern looks good i.e. locking in teleconnections in the N. Hemisphere. Best look in a long longtime.
  20. Wild times ahead. Be safe y'all. 50/50 for a White Christmas.
  21. When I first suggested Clarke's in Boston, must be over 15-20 years now. It was for members who worked in town, a spontaneous last-minute gathering to finally meet and celebrate the season. I know if I were still in New England the tradition would continue. My last outing before moving to Florida was a Clarke's gathering. The chasing Noel down the Cape...oh the memories.
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