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Everything posted by ROOSTA

  1. Fireworks and GUNS going off. It be dangerous out there..., I'll never understand why people fire guns off on NYE. One can buy an AR at 18yrs. old. I need to move, was thinking NC up in the hills. SOON Rollin, Rollin, Rollin for the timing, severity of this predicted monster.
  2. Bottoms out at 952MB just inland of PSM. Biggest 00z run this season so far HAPPY NEW YEAR. Might stay up not to ring in the new year.
  3. There's the extreme event, (here this run, gone the next) To bad it's out in LA-LA land. Just shows how volatile the set-up is. Inside D5 and there would be a chance.
  4. 13TH. I'm just trying to get 3k posts.
  5. It's really not that bad! Repeat after me... It's really not that bad! 18z will be out soon and then there's always the 00z run. So on and so forth...
  6. The question of emotional attachment? Happens every year, every month, every storm threat. Like clockwork it's always the same posters who apply IMBY. Whether it's snow, tropical and or severe. Posts are the same instead of taking it as it comes. Nobody can control it, will never be a perfect forecast. Just have fun, interact civilly. Positive or negative what you see it what you get. The science has come a long way over just a decade but will never be perfected. I still like the look, and a change here or there (every model run) gives insight to the eventual outcome.
  7. Sometimes the obvious must be stated. IT'S JUST (1) MODEL RUN. So many opportunities to hang a hat on... *********** Oh, forgot the age-old... TREND IS YOUR FRIEND.
  8. Seems to me the whole evolution is slowing down. Delayed but not denied. Alot of moving pieces, blinded by the OP models. Holding out, hope for the 6th with some agreement to the E and G.
  9. Full Moon on the 13th. Just sayin; Timing looking about right.
  10. Now there is some brutal cold -75-80F. Watching very closely, should be fun to watch as it establishes itself on this side of the Pole. Nothing more needs to be said. Modified for sure... combine with 500MB HGTS and a PV.
  11. Pattern sets in, let's say "dump, rinse, repeat." in a good way for once. Foresee (2) BIG storms. One around the Full Moon, the other probably bigger as the pattern breaks down. Just looks like E CONUS is on the cusp of something beautiful.
  12. *Most* of New England come 3rd week of the month: "WILL BE UNDER A NICE BLANKET OF SNOW." Take that to the bank! *Ray will have 15" on the ground and think he's been screwed because Kev has 28"* I crack myself up sometimes. Of course I'm joking.
  13. Please refrain from posting maps that have 0.00% chance of verifying. A D10 has 0.01%, even a D5 only has a 50/50 chance. A day after snow map is still only 99% accurate. LOL D10 Ensemble Temp is ok but be ready to explain reasoning. Wanna talk about nice weather? It's 75F with a dew of 68F. Talk abounds about the FRIGID Arctic outbreak down here.
  14. Any s/w in that pseudo-omega block has the chance to develop. Late next week onward... Seatbelt time! *Based on Ensembles Mean* A good look.
  15. Don't even look at the OP models. Go ensembles to keep insanity in check!
  16. The present evolution has that appearance of something (it's called WINTER) Just a feeling I have. Thinking most in here are on the same page. Waiting for Tip to comment on one of his 10k word post... 1/2 of which words used, personally never read before. A thread should be forthcoming.
  17. Live for severe events, the mundane is boring. Something is going to occur (not known yet) that will leave all in awe. An 1888 or 1978 Monstereeno that will become the new benchmark! So much for wish casting, moving right along...NEXT
  18. Back to back to back. Taking it front side, back side and then DP'd. Talk about satisfying? LOL!
  19. I want my SNOW! Nobody gonna take my chances. I'm probably only one of a handful of members who posts in the SNE forum who's excited about the "chance" CFL would literally shutdown if it comes to fruition!
  20. And so begins Nor'easter Season. Time to cash-in now, as the next month or evolves the season depends on it...or it will blow dead monkeys. Has a good look. We track, with everything on the line. **I'D LIKE TO WIN THE MEGA-MILLIONS TOO.**
  21. Weenies S and E its coming. Like watching grass grow.
  22. You haven't lived there long enough to experience. Happened so many times in Braintree in can't even count'em anymore.
  23. A vivid reminder of the "feeling" regardless of how much. Just to see the flakes, watch the ground and street whiten. "Maybe it will be more than". If your a weenie like I, everyone can relate? Nothing else matters when it's happening.
  24. Just to the N and W of the CF is where jack is located. Probably double the amount of first thinking. The slant ruler observer might report double digit amount.
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