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Everything posted by ROOSTA

  1. The Watch, Warning issuance is time sensitive and confidence to the event. As of "now" a Blizzard Warning will be issued at 24 hrs. before if not slightly after the start. Public Warnings on that level speak for itself.
  2. Giving credit to where credit is due Start with GINX and go from there, give or take a day or two, NAILED! Pattern recognition. This event was on the playing field back a few weeks with even a thread started. As all, most start digging out... here a killing freeze. Wouldn't be surprised reaching the teens, for this climate it has prompted headlines of "extreme cold".
  3. Phasing perfection = SNOW I would chase this baby without hesitation "if" my health were better. Open heart triple bypass, a half a dozen stint's in various locations, filters for clotting, arterial aortic bypass. Swear I've aged 20yrs. in the past 5. Have lost over 100lbs, legs are toothpicks, constant pain, AFib- heart rate spikes over 250 often and severe neuropathy. Oh, and throw in getting struck by lightning. Youth is wasted on the young. Everything is relative, personally if not for Meteorology I'd have gone crazy. I'm really "diggin" the lastest runs!
  4. Y'all gon need a bigger boat. Snatched from the "jaws" of doom! The overall solution has been revealed. Criticized for mentioning 2', now they don't talk so loud! Just going to sit back here and watch the awesome power of Mother Nature deliver.
  5. I'm missing something? One run of the NAM, people start a panic! PLEASE. Friggin model bounces all over the place. Like a broken clock it's right twice a day. In winter it's put in the garage. Oh, look another bounce. Instead of describing E or W referencing to individuals BY why not reference the move a map location like say the BM.
  6. Some of the output running the grids is spitting out 4ft amounts in EMA running here at ROOSTA Central Command. I find it hard to believe. The clown of clown maps thus not posting. Is it possible, it's happened before so sure it's possible? I'll start believing when in mid-event. Tough first call. Go high or go home, start at 2' (conservative) then go up from there.
  7. Will never change in here. It's always been the chase, to a lesser degree the event. Anytime a widespread 1-2' occurs the IMBY complaints of not jacking are unfounded. I already know how much I'm getting 0.0" but it's the old stomping grounds Braintree, Arlington and the 100's of friends I weenie out on FB for.
  8. A step closer to detailed finer points. A thousand miles away and still get stoked. You can take the person out of New England, but you can never take New England out of the person.
  9. LOCK and LOADED! Details..., the nuances will define the haves and those who get really haves. From here on out, noise, a wobble here or there. I'm sold.
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