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Everything posted by Regan

  1. Problem is 99.9999% of folk cannot and will be basing their decisions off whatever local adfiliate they watch. <Shrugs> That’s problematic. This may be an issue with some stations, but I don’t think fisher would steer us wrong if he knew better and I know he’s looking at all models.
  2. Anything is possible. That’s why I’m watching. I already have meds and documents packed up. Just have to grab clothes and the pets and likely head to Greensboro. Trying to avoid that.
  3. Yeah Wral said now 3-5 inches of rain here and 30-40ish mph gusting. Moderate to isolated power outages. Said not expecting too much impact like we were here in Raleigh. Based on that most people here will ride it out. I’m staying put for now and watching just in case we need to pull the plug.
  4. With this new cone, assuming it follows the mean line, what kind of wind can we expect in Wake county? Sustained and gusts please! Thanks!
  5. Reason I asked was because let’s be honest, most people watch their local news. Let’s say someone is being told tonight 30-40mph GUSTS and they decide they stay it out. Risk the trees etc. Never knowing that there was almost double that being reported via NWS. I’ve seen a lot the last few days. I’ll be honest, I saw Fish day that tonight and felt some hope. Here’s to hoping this keeps trending away. Far as possible south seeing as how there’s little to no hope of it going well north anymore.
  6. Right I was just confused why Wral was saying gusts 30-40 mph here. Not sustained. But gusts.
  7. But it just seems so high for this to weaken so much at the coast and track more south. We will keep watching. Forecasts will keep changing.
  8. This is where it gets shady because all the tv station local and non local are still at the minute saying gusts 30-40 and sustained lower here in Wake. This says significantly more.
  9. Sure. I don’t like being on this side of her but it’s still encouraging to see that’s she may drain herself and be a depression here and not a cat 1. Basically taking what I can get for now. Maybe it’ll shift more.
  10. Glad to see less rain for Raleigh. Glad to see the winds will be lots better. So far anyway. I guess because they think she will dispense herself on the coastal counties.
  11. Brick, they were saying it'll move less than 5 mph so I guess it will drain her faster than if she was moving faster. I think i saw 60mph winds for here, but I do not know what we will have sustained and what we will have gust wise. Anyone?
  12. just me, but im not taking the GFS. especially the latest run. I'd but the FV3 first. something isn't right.
  13. It’s for the farmers it says.
  14. It’s time for bed when posts get whiny. I know I should go because it’s not helpful, but I keep hoping something will pop up or someone with reasoning. Still think this storm has a few tricks.
  15. I’m nobody, but I don’t think the rollercoaster is over just yet. New runs will come that revive the jumpers.
  16. I wasn’t holding much hope either. I just wanted to see something fall. They've made it feel hopeless. At least if we don’t get flakes, I wish it wasn’t too rainy. This killed yardwork for the weekend.
  17. Well, despite the models last night, NWS is saying nada for Raleigh basically.
  18. I know it’s probaly gonna be a 85 and west sweet spot, but I’m going to laugh if it comes east.
  19. Some guy in twitter told me that the euro is 100% rain for Wake County. IDK, last euro I saw posted here early this morning was decent. TV Mets still saying dusting to inch+. They aren’t saying all rain yet anyway. ???
  20. Gotta stay realistic on the totals. Never thought we’d see more than an inch in the Triangle. Knew .5 was more realistic. Knew that accumulation was tough. Just seeing the snow this time of year blows my mind. Getting upset because you won’t see 3-10 inches is... silly. It was never gonna happen in reality.
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