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Everything posted by Regan

  1. Well. Sleet still looks white? Freezing rain makes it shiny? At this point I feel like the models don’t matter because they are still giving us similar ranges in RDU. 1-2 maybe 3. Some of that ice mixed in. Is what it is… Never had expectations of anything. It something frozen.
  2. Yeah and we all should be used to seeing the sliding of totals from release to release anyway. Nothing new. They can still up it too in theory. They did already yesterday. Heck, WRAL have several inch maps floating now and it’s purposeful. Like he just said, people get mad.
  3. RAH can say what they want and ride the ride but the mets on tv etc are still saying up to 2 with localized 3. Also Wake County chose a 3hr early release. I heard most of the board opposed it and wanted to close.
  4. Word on the down low is Wake county is leaning to closing after first thinking early dismissal. Given the unknown because we can’t predict when in a 4 hour window it’ll touch the ground, I hope they close. Wake is a massive county with a ton of buses. They share buses between hs, ms, and es so they can’t close at a specific time. Even with an early dismissal it could jump up and bite them. I know k5 that don’t get home til 5 on a regular day because if shared routes.
  5. I hear you. But Wake has a bad history on twiddling thumbs. I’m near the famous Raleigh meme btw. That is right down the road. It was interesting.
  6. Probably need a 3hr release at the least to get the littles on long routes home by 2ish. I was just told they don’t know because it depends on when it makes it to the ground and they can’t predict that well. That’s a nightmare when it’s expected to stick immediately.
  7. Start time for precip as sparsely reported on some stations still and seems to be a huge window of time still. Seeing anywhere between 3pm to 8pm for Wake. Hope they pin this down better for commutes/schools. Hoping schools bite the bullet and just close early to get kids home. Some k5 don’t get home til 5 or after as well as some charter transportation for k12. Opinions on start time for Rowan, Guilford, and Wake?
  8. I have zero expectations for the weather here. I know how it goes here in central NC. I was born and raised here. I was just saying the freak outs cloud the info. I was making light of it by saying everyone should go to bed. Let it ride.
  9. Maybe everyone should just go to bed and show those models who’s boss. Been coming here for years. I have learned a lot and I’m grateful, but the constant doom at the flux is difficult.
  10. You’d think with this bunch. They were just yay over the icon and boom crying again.
  11. Here comes the PM panic attack. Come on guys. Please don’t go near the cliff.
  12. Yeah. But we have to expect TV Mets (especially in the RDU area) have to keep it really downplayed because 1. We are in a cursed spot and 2. People irrationally get mad at them like they are supposed to be psychic. also people notoriously take numbers and lines and colors for religion and measure how far they are from the boundary lines from these color maps. Which, you can’t do. You can’t even take these models completely by visual. But, the public does.
  13. Yeah it’s already being taken less seriously online. They too are seeing the H and questioning the seriousness. They aren’t reading the discussion. At least one media guy has latched on to this too.
  14. Alan says it’ll be light til about 8ish. Something like that. There’s a tweet.
  15. Flurries have almost stopped near Crabtree Mall area, but I know it’s still early in the game.
  16. I feel the classic cliff jump rants coming. Might have to try not to look here for a while. Emphasis on try.
  17. It’s a little trippy to see Wral saying 2-5 and stating models saying it could be more. Add the NWS saying 3.8 (3-5). I’m used to seeing conservative numbers until they have to increase them.
  18. I think that since this, a lot of things changed. The tv mets have changed their thinking from this idea above to what the NWS and other private mets/hobbyists are thinking and that’s a central NC and eastward storm. But, we will see.
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