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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Can I regift it? Had enough thank you. Effin' cold today.
  2. A friend of mine just moved to Montana. It's -14 right now with a daytime high of -10. He says his beard freezes as soon as he goes out. Same holds for his dog
  3. Hopefully it did some damage to invasive pests and ticks.
  4. Did you have below normal temps for December, January and February? If so a tip of the cap.
  5. Almost time to fire up those dew point threads.
  6. 2 weeks until spring. Let's go.
  7. Likely trouble on the roads tonight. Froze up quick!
  8. Pouring again. If I didn't have a week of 80° weather and sun last week I'd be losing my s***.
  9. Shut your negative pie hole. This fella says there's still a chance.
  10. Approximate best time to get this shyte off the driveway in MetroWest?
  11. Yeah where the hell you been? I missed your DIT take downs.
  12. Can't have many left you did it last year.
  13. Not quite Florida Summers. It was 88 there today. Never failed to get over 80 the whole time I was there. Although folks down there were complaining how cold it had been until now.
  14. Yesterday playing golf. Today replacing a carburetor. Why the eff do we live here again?
  15. Did more damage than I thought. First time this winter. Cleared almost 2 in off my driveway.
  16. Saw the aftermath but wasn't much in Eastern Mass. Only one I remember of significance was when I was a kid living in a heavily wooded area. The noise was unreal. Constant cracking. Actually spooked my father who had been in very heavy combat. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_New_England_ice_storm_of_1973#:~:text=The Southern New England ice,also affected New York State.&text=Connecticut%2C Massachusetts%2C New York%2C Rhode Island.
  17. I believe it when I see it. Every melt this winter has been underwhelming.
  18. Doubt it's going to make much of a dent here. Got almost 2 inches of heavy stuff here overnight.
  19. Same here. I wasn't expecting that. Hopefully It will melt
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