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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Yeah I wouldn't rule out a stray 90 In some god-forsaken place like Western Connecticut.
  2. I'm with you. I'd like a last hurrah of summer. It's not like we're going to be sweltering. Took the air conditioners out back in early August. Lows in the '70s are long gone.
  3. I thought you sent it to the glue factory?
  4. Still no radiating for Mr Freak. 52 and rain. What a hellhole.
  5. And it looks like most of the real sticky stuff stays south. '80s during the day, and low 60s at night. Something for everyone. Maybe we can put an end to the temperature violence?
  6. If this isn't a good way to finish off August I don't know what is. ACATT be damned.
  7. Will ( korh ) is mainly a winter guy. He'll show up at other times if it's a significant event. I asked about pickles a few weeks ago and apparently he's fine.
  8. Unless you're running an orphanage you don't need the big one.
  9. Totally worth the money. And I'm a cheap bastard.
  10. You don't know your fires do you? City folks smh. Those coals are black locust. Burn beer cans faster than even you can drink 'em.
  11. You still have a few days left right? Did you go to sculptured rocks? Spent much of my misguided youth in Bristol. If you run across a late '70s Subaru wagon stuck on a stump with the VIN number chiseled off it's not mine.
  12. Bastards! I hate them with all my being.
  13. The woodyard where I spend the majority of my day is 17 miles from Boston. My house is in southborough which is about halfway between Boston and Worcester. Boston has gone negative and Worcester after today is likely less than a degree above average. Split the difference, maybe I'm a tad over normal. Nothing like some of the recent years where we were getting four and five degrees above normal.
  14. Why would I use Connecticut weather stations? I live nowhere near Connecticut.
  15. Hot ? We've had 10 days in a row of below normal temperatures. Boston just went negative for the month.
  16. His anger is palpable. His wretched summer forecast combined with an early fall has done some damage. I wouldn't be surprised to see him take one of his sabbaticals.
  17. Had one of those in my old neighborhood in Boston. Except she was Greek. Must have been pushing 90, she could keep up with +snow with a circa fiddler on the roof broom. It was really quite impressive.
  18. The worst are the heating service contracts. If you have forced hot water than anything that touches water is not covered. If you have forced hot air, anything that touches hot air isn't covered.
  19. See comment above regarding wussy.
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