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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. I've seen these advertised. New tech apparently. Not sure if they work but you might want to look into one.
  2. Sheesh you are getting to be one cranky old dude. It's the effing lawn. Get outside with the kids and enjoy the weather.
  3. Everything's shaping up to be a September to remember. Mild droughts make for spectacular foliage. Cold beers and warm temperature. Best fall ever. You'll tell your grandchildren...
  4. It's kind of in and out. Be nice to get some warm days. Especially at the end of the month.
  5. Whoop all you like. Very much enjoy your stuff. Well illustrated and put together. Thanks for spending the time.
  6. And to think, some people on here are still whining.
  7. Must be pushing 80 in Weymouth. Have you come in off the ledge?
  8. Beer and chainsaws don't mix. I'm sure you've seen the YouTube videos. Been known to have a couple afterwards however.
  9. All echo 60 cc saws. 3 with 20-in bars and one with a 24-in bar. I used to have every make and model but I find these run the best and they're not expensive.
  10. Stop, he's on Twitter. He wouldn't be on there if he wasn't good. He's my go-to.
  11. Yeah I think everyone was a couple degrees warmer this morning.
  12. So it's going to be that much colder around here. Just watch...
  13. Sheesh, you and scooter with the melancholy. Don't get ahead of yourself. You never know, you might get exactly that.
  14. That's what it says. Seems a little strange since Boston came in below normal. Could be they took some data from scooter's station. That notoriously runs hot.
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