FYI to all yard workers. The yellow jackets aren't done. Hadn't been stung all year but ran into a monster nest today. Only stung five times thankfully. On the bright side, I set the world record (senior division) for the 50-yard dash in chainsaw boots.
At the woodyard, 17 miles southwest of Boston I had a high of 72 with almost total sun. Gets more and more difficult to pop an 80 as you move in to October. Not unheard of, or impossible just less likely.
It looks like such a great old timey golf course. Can't tell you how many similar I've played. The kind where folks play through any kind of weather until they're told to get off.
Hope it comes about. Boston barely reached 70 today. Second cooldown looks legit. Possible highs only in the '50s this week in spots? Course I'm wearing cold colored glasses.
Excellent point. Here is a video of Palm harbor near where my friend lives. All the stuff pulled out of wet houses is laying next to the street.