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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. I think it was about 160 ? Probably an eight . And yeah it's a gorgeous track .
  2. You said we could brag right? Okemo, late last summer. I was that close...
  3. What was the total for the location nearest you ?
  4. Thanks ! I found another that works like a charm!
  5. Over 40" in the last two storms. The sticker is coming off my truck tomorrow.
  6. You might have to clear again starting to really pound again.
  7. Yup, looks like about 10" so far. Drifting becoming an issue.
  8. I thought it wasn't going to stick. Lights flickering uggh..
  9. Any guesses as to when it would be best to be off the roads to avoid a cluster in Boston Metro?
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