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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Nice job! Haven't played that in years is it in good shape?
  2. 4th of July seems to be the demarcation day. Flora begins to lose its luster.
  3. Those look like clouds on the upper right
  4. Good timing for the flyover. Practically cloudless sky. B-52's are something!
  5. Both beautiful towns, especially Pomfret. I've lived in Southborough for only a few years and it's great, though sleepy. Couple minute drive from Marlborough or Framingham if you need something to do.
  6. How 'bout It's 73 in Morrisville Vermont and 63 in Southborough ma ?
  7. Overcast, 64 with a stiff breeze and I'm away from the coast
  8. Might have to light the wood stove down here. I can't imagine being on a beach.
  9. Gonna miss the clouds. The last of them...
  10. Looks to start midweek. I wouldn't be surprised to see 7-8 days.
  11. Must be from that cell that went through Acton. I got the fringe on the south side.
  12. Yay first mammatus of the year! Not the best but I'll take it...
  13. Won't miss the rain but the clouds have been beautiful.
  14. MPM for the Win. Good call..
  15. DIT has 80. Who are you going to believe?
  16. DIT should hire himself out as a dowser. Seems all he has to do is shout drought and the floodgates open.
  17. Could do without the misery mist but the temperature is perfect.
  18. Suck week for someone to be on vacation.
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