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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. And the ever fascinating rainfall deficit
  2. https://fortune.com/2020/07/23/covid-19-vaccine-data-t-cells/
  3. Would be nice if it's real. Something's going on.
  4. Not likely, but there is something going on that once it goes through it seems less likely to spread.
  5. It's about as nasty as it gets. Shades of 2018.
  6. That would be my guess. Not the hardiest of trees.
  7. In my opinion I think it has a little to do with the makeup of the citizens and their adhering the guidelines. It seems once an area gets crushed it pretty much goes away . Not sure there is an area that got whacked in the initial days and is doing poorly now?
  8. Hoping the heat doesn't stay long. Filled up my shady spot this week. Not looking forward to heading back to the field...
  9. Makes you wonder how really infectious these people coming from other states are. My guess is not very.
  10. Heart was one of my first concerts. 1977 the Hatch shell. I watched from the top of concession building (59 second mark).
  11. Jun 11, 1984 · ... the Ramones, Jon Butcher Axis and David Johansen at Cheshire Fairgrounds in Swanzey New Hampshire. Absolutely no shade and all day drinking. Lots of drunk, passed out kids with unimaginable sunburns. They were carting them away in ambulances.
  12. In high school I worked at a golf course. First day, likely the last week in June I decided I'd get myself a killer tan. Shirt off from 7 in the morning until quitting time. If possible I looked worse than that dude.
  13. Perhaps but it's nasty out. Dew point of 73 here. It's only 80° but I'm sweating bullets cutting trees.
  14. Are these stats including the June 8th through 12th Heatwave and the Fourth of July heat wave?
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