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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. What happened to all the Heat some on here were talking about?
  2. Awt. Endless torch on the horizon.
  3. Awt light sprinkles. All this talk about soaking rain lol..
  4. Finally! As we thought cold cold Spring .
  5. Yup, worries me for later in the week.
  6. Jackson Hole in late summer is hard to beat .
  7. As N. sipedon ages, the color darkens, and the pattern becomes obscure. Some individuals will become almost completely black. The belly also varies in color. It can be white, yellow, or gray. Must be an old one I've never seen one that dark .
  8. Yeah but the lake was cool, clean and relatively bug-free for an after hike swim. If only we had oppressive dew points!
  9. Crappy day in VT I hardly worked up a sweat :)
  10. Nicest day ever? Got to be close.
  11. I have had Lyme three times (work outside). First time was a little nasty since I didn't know what was going on and let it fester. Subsequent cases I spotted the bulls-eyes quickly, trip to the clinic, Doxycycline and good to go. Ten years ago, I suspected a case of Lyme coming on but no bulls-eye so I figured flu. Went to bed as soon as got home. Chills, sweats, hallucinations, I literally could not turn my head. GF wanted to take me to the hospital but I insisted I could drive myself. Hospital is three miles away and I got lost! Lived in the neighborhood for 20yrs. Anyway, temperature of 106 and dangerously low white blood count - Anaplasmosis. At that time the chances of contracting Anaplasmosis were literally one in a million. I had the CDC and Boston Department of Health calling and asking all sorts of questions https://www.cdc.gov/anaplasmosis/stats/index.html
  12. Mosquitoes . When I was in the second grade a classmate died of it .
  13. For sure but I'm willing to bet the water table is higher now. Any little half inch rainstorm causes stream flooding. In 2006 I'm guessing there was a lot of runoff because we received the rain in a relatively short. Of time.
  14. It's funny how that doesn't get much attention?. Just Southwest of Boston it's even worse. I'm an old dude and I never remember it this wet.
  15. Luck hasn't been running our way. Absolutely pitiful pattern.
  16. Nothing says summer like rain suits, mosquitoes and drizzle.
  17. Local farmers suffering from the cold and wet spring and early summer. Apparently they were led to believe it was going to be non- stop heat and humidity beginning in March and planted accordingly. Where would they get that crazy idea? To all of our customers: Do to the weather conditions PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES FOR THE 2019 SEASON WILL BE CLOSED. This is because our crop has suffered weather damage. We will have some strawberries for our farm stand and CSA customers. However because the picking conditions are not going to be favorable we have decided to close PYO strawberries. We are anticipating strawberries be available in our farm stand mid week next week. We will try and keep this site updated as much as we can. Our Strawberry Festival has been postponed till the 22nd and 23rd on that weekend we will have activities and strawberries in the farm stand but there will be NO PYO. Sorry hopefully next year will be better! https://www.lanniorchard.com/
  18. The good news is the cold, wet start to summer "seems" to be doing a number on the gypsy moths. How are other folks fairing? "Mr. Gooch said it is too early to tell whether the fungus that is known to kill the moths, Entomophaga maimaiga, is to be credited for dead gypsy moths in spring 2019 — other factors could be in play. The cool, wet weather prevented some of the moth hatchlings from feeding, leading them to starve to death, while others could have been eaten by various insects. “There are certain areas I’ve been watching and they’ve hatched and they just did not move off the egg mass because it got cold,” he said. “We had a couple of days where it was down in the low 30s after they hatched. Normally, it’s a lot warmer.” https://www.telegram.com/news/20190610/is-end-near-for-gypsy-moths
  19. https://mobile.twitter.com/growingwisdom
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