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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Serious ass wind out there tonight. Way better than the high wind warnings during the summer.
  2. That's about as nasty as it gets. Better you than me.
  3. Another .45 so far today. 2.38 total. Where's the clown that said we'd be lucky to get a half an inch?
  4. Seriously have you been taking medication? It's like night and day.
  5. 1.09 so far. More rain than I had in either September or October.
  6. Did you drop a package on your head? Doesn't sound like you.
  7. .79 here. Had enough. When do we get the '70s and sun back?
  8. Which one came with some serious cold? I used to have a Christmas party early in December and one was absolutely frigid.
  9. No thanks. I'd like a few more of today please.
  10. You're pushing that narrative. Hopefully you're wrong.
  11. Speaking of which, when was the first get together at Clark's? Must have been a while ago. I'm pretty sure you were there at the bar with a laptop so it couldn't have been the '60s. Might have even been some snow coming??
  12. Whatever Google weather uses for models must be coming in higher with rainfall. Up to an inch and a quarter for the total.
  13. https://nypost.com/2024/11/17/lifestyle/winter-penis-could-reduce-sex-organ-size-by-up-to-50-doctor-warns/ I am not sure why you guys are wishing for cold and snow. I know your wife's aren't.
  14. The road to the woodyard was closed when I showed up for work. First nearby fire.
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