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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. My nephew worked for a roofer in 2015 probably making 20 bucks an hour. Quickly saw how much the roofer was making and went into business himself. Made enough bank to buy himself a big ol' diesel pickup in a month. People were desperate to get the snow off their roofs.
  2. Glad we don't live there. 34° and nothing here. I'd like to keep it that way and enjoy a nice fire pit.
  3. One good rainer next week unfortunately. After that doesn't look like much.
  4. We had one of those in Brighton. Looked like a overweight Arlo Guthrie in a thong. Screamed through the streets on a motor scooter with the music blaring. Harmless I guess , although no matter how much bleach I used I couldn't erase the memory.
  5. Easy enough mistake to make. Probably thought it was the electric blue.
  6. Sure wasn't the milfs? Probably rubbing lotion on a leatherback as we speak.
  7. Where's north of the pike? Isn't it about time he chimes in?
  8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/uconn-coach-dan-hurleys-hot-headed-antics-are-an-embarrassment-to-college-basketball-his-program-and-himself/amp/
  9. Wintery feel in the wood yard today. Unfortunately not enough ice (yet) for the little one on my back pond.
  10. Ugly is UConn going 0-3 in the Maui classic and finishing 8th out of eight teams. Maybe they will fire that dweeb of a coach.
  11. Underrated destination. I've had a ball every time I've gone.
  12. Getting close here. May see the first flakes of the year.
  13. Snowing in Massachusetts . That's what the nutmeg non-believers get.
  14. Back when November was a snow month. That's likely my chair I left out from the day before.
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