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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Back in the old hood in Brighton. Nice to see kids out skiing.
  2. Always amazed how quiet it is on Christmas. After all these years I still haven't figured out where everybody goes?
  3. Melts are coming early this year. Is it a sign of an early spring or a brutal winter?
  4. I don't know about all these fancy maps but this looks god awful.
  5. 19° and it feels like a heatwave. Got the fire pit on a slow burn.
  6. I got to say the cold has been kind of a b**** to work in but it has done wonders for business.
  7. "The head on the beer would freeze between sips, so you would have to poke your finger through the get the next gulp" Another board member who only drinks beer for the taste and not the alcohol content. We seem to have a lot of those around here...
  8. ATVs, chainsaws, trailers. Maintenance and repair is painful in this weather. Most tasks require that you remove your gloves.
  9. 9° already. Nothing like the sound of your furnace running constantly.
  10. GFS looks to avoid the earlier big rainer. That would be nice.
  11. Perfect. Doesn't f up driving and the lights look pretty.
  12. Sheesh Is it cold. My beer is freezing. Been a while since that's happened. Guess I just got a drink faster.
  13. Amazing what a little snow will do for folks mood. Wolfie hasn't bit anyone in days.
  14. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-04096-5
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