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Everything posted by das

  1. Clarksburg has been a good happy medium between the benefits of elevation and distance from the UHI of DC vs. commute times. For me, anyways. If you like big, synoptic storms, Clarksburg and the rest of Parr's ridge running NE through MD is not bad. For example, there have been two storms in Clarksburg just in the last decade that have exceeded the largest storm in Indiana history (26" in St. Josephs County in 2011) with that number increasing to 4 in places 10-20 miles NE up Parr's ridge. Those places NE tend to put you away from reasonable commute times to DC. For Clarksburg context, In the last decade, there were those two 26"+ storms (33.6" and 28.0") but the numbers for significant but not-as-large storms increase to 3 storms of 20+", 5 storms of 15+" and 7 storms of 12+" in the last decade. Not bad for what is effectively the south. Also, for context regarding commute times; if I leave my house at 6am, I get to work a block west of the White House in 40-42 minutes. If I leave at 6:15am, it can take 1.5 hours. If I leave at 6:30am, it can take two hours. Big incentive to get out the door in the morning. That's for like 35 of the 52 weeks of the year. The others, (summer, holiday weeks, etc...) are much more reasonable.
  2. These storms have indeed had strikes far from the rain column. I snapped this image right after a strike hit my building at work this afternoon. What would be considered the classic storm core was 8 miles to the north and we were in full sun.
  3. das

    ??'s for NOAA

    Hi, all. I'll be meeting with NOAA tomorrow in Boulder and might have a little time to ask some informal questions outside of the topic of my meetings. Let me know if you have questions and I'll see what I can do to get answers and post anything appropriate here. Topics areas would be NCEI, a bunch of the ESRL (PSD, GSD, GMD, CSD, etc...) capabilities and the SWPC. Meetings start at 8:30am MST.
  4. Cool pic right as I arrived at work just west of the WH. This is looking south just as the torrential rain started. You can see the obscured Washington Monument on the left.
  5. I have matched the speed of the wall the entire way from Clarksburg to almost to DC. It has been like being in a car wash the entire way. Surfs up!
  6. I drove down from my place up there last night. The rapid change in air mass in northeast Pennsylvania was like driving into a jar of Vaseline at speed.
  7. 1.57 inches of rain in 14 minutes under 60dBZ returns in Clarksburg before I had to hop in the car to head to work. And still dumping… (edited to fit the return rate)
  8. Nope. 0.5" in Clarksburg. All rain and IP for the last 7 hours.
  9. 0.5” will be the total here in Clarksburg unless something dramatically changes. Pouring rain at 32.7°F.
  10. Bleh. Rain/sleet mix in Clarksburg. 32.8°F/33°F.
  11. Confirmed! 35.1°F / 26°F here at onset.
  12. +1. When it is raining moderately, my temp raises to 32F. When it is light or stops, it immediately drops to 31F.
  13. 29.8F / 30F here in Clarksburg. 5.1" of snow at noon as the first IP started to mix in.
  14. I’ve only seen strikes in the MD and WV panhandles so far. 0E4517B8-B498-431E-B552-00AE1F085ACF.mov
  15. 29.7°F/15F here in Clarksburg. High clouds are starting to obscure the moon.
  16. Makes complete sense since the Fed has made considerable investment in a mobile-enabled workforce.
  17. The cutoff was real. This is from 30,000ft as I was approaching the Mason Dixon line:
  18. I hope so. I'll dig it up when I get home. First time using these cams so I hope I set it up right.
  19. First bluebird sky starting to peek out. Can't wait to get home this evening.
  20. Those are lifetime memories you are creating for your son. Good job training him up in the ways that are good and right!!!
  21. 13.2" was the total for me in Clarksburg. @ka60 just up the road may have had a bit more as he is usually a tic or two higher than me (Clarksburg ranges from 550' to 810' ASL). 7.2" from the WAA+coastal part of the storm and 6.0" from the ULL.
  22. I can confirm @Ka60‘s 12.5” total. I asked my roommate (who HATES the snow) to go stick my 12” ruler into the snow on the back deck and let me know what the snowdepth was and she flatly said to me, “it disappeared, you’ll have to find it yourself when you get here tomorrow”. LOL.
  23. 30 dBZ returns still over Clarksburg. Incredible.
  24. I think I prefer this over a more vertically stacked or phased system since it equals 30 hours of snow. Same basic foot of snow but very different delivery.
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