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  • Location:
    Lat - Lon: 39.234, -77.268, Clarksburg, MD, 44.297293, -73.247655, Charlotte, VT

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  1. 12.7” was the total here in the Champlain Valley. We had two hours of IP from noon to 2pm then flipped back to SN as soon as the 850’s crashed. I can hear the wind up in the treetops here in my sheltered location. Just under 22” OTG.
  2. Eat a lot of chili and drink a bunch of cheap beer.
  3. Experimental - Leave feedback Click here for more information on these products What's this? Location Low-End Amount Expected Amount High-End Amount Chance of Seeing More Than 0.1" 1" 2" 4" 6" 8" 12" 18" Brattleboro, VT 3" 8" 12" 98% 97% 95% 87% 72% 51% 12% 0% I'd guess late morning transition to IP as the warm nose moves in between 925 and 850mb. The warm nose will drop a bit flipping us to ZR before we flip back to SN as the cold comes crashing back in. Latest trend has IP lasting quite a few hours so your 1" estimate is not bad. ZR will be maybe 0.05 to 0.10". 2m temps should stay below freezing the whole time.
  4. Fiddlehead, eh? My recent favorite. The brewery is 3 miles from my house here in VT. I know where I am stopping on the way home tonight!
  5. I'll be in DC / Clarksburg for the week. Oiling up my snow shovel and making ridiculously tall snow piles that'll last until June.
  6. I am happy to report that 100% of the precip from this storm up here in Clarksburg has been snow. That said, it was for around 10 minutes hours ago... Edited to add: Oops, spoke too soon. Now we are getting some sprinkles. 35ºF / 21ºF
  7. 2.5” was the total up here. We were right on the north edge. Another 20 miles up the valley just got a dusting. Too lazy to get a good pic so a floodlight cam pic it is. 9°F at 2pm with a forecast low of -7°F for tonight. Perfect post storm weather in my book.
  8. The low level wind from the (dry) north has been so very persistent for the last 30+ days. You have to go up to the mid levels to get any appreciable moisture coming from any of the westerly directions. Even the moisture coming off of the Great Lakes when the wind is westerly is scrubbed out by upslope on the west side of the Adirondacks (and subsequent downsloping here in the Valley) with the only real moisture making it to y'all at the mids... Again and again...
  9. 1.1" in Charlotte, VT. For the umpteenth time this year, synoptic moisture comes in less than modeled/forecasted here in NNE. When in drought, predict drought...
  10. Up here in NNE, the battle on the front lines will be fun to watch. These are the forecasted high temps, starting with today's high temp and thru to next Tuesday: 13ºF, 28ºF, 21ºF, 36ºF, 14ºF, 28ºF, 37ºF, 18ºF
  11. @ineedsnow @dendrite Indeed it was. 2.1" in 4 hours as the band wavered over a couple of times. ea8f8912b0876f0a269062e89ecee312.mp4
  12. 1.1" so far here in Clarksburg. Meh. Two, maybe three bands of wraparound about to start moving through. Don't think I'll pull off 0.9" to get to 66% of the low end of the forecast. Yes, I am being pedantic.
  13. 574'. I am in a little NE-facing hollow at the top of Parr's Ridge that peaks at 700' around 1,000m to the NNE and rises to 650' in all other directions. So, my "climatology" is more like 630' for this area. Probably more info than you wanted but the microclimate dynamics here are interesting and I've had a long time here to see them in action.
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