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Everything posted by osfan24

  1. More rain today than the entire week so far. A mist transitioned into a light, steady rain.
  2. Feels like models in general have played up the rain this week that hasn't happened. I wasn't expecting periods of rain but I haven't seen a drop.
  3. I was wondering what happened. The rain was just about to pull out and suddenly it got very windy here. Did not see any trees down, but tons of small and medium sized branches everywhere.
  4. LOL. Now we are.......two weeks away! And out to March 26!! If we just keep going long enough, we can get back to December!
  5. As opposed to our boundary temps in January and February?
  6. I am actually surprised we haven't gotten more big March storms lately. It seems more just like really bad luck than anything else. Crazy stuff can happen in March.
  7. When is the PDO going to flip positive? When was it last positive?
  8. The P25 Nina looking storm that hits the coast and misses the cities would be the perfect ending to this awful winter for the cities.
  9. And by players on the field, he means potential subscribers. There is absolutely nothing to get excited about or interested in right now. And given what happened last time we started warm and it took weeks to cool off enough to snow, good luck trying to run that back in March, if that's even the pattern that evolves, which it probably won't be.
  10. Problem is workable at that point isn’t going to cut it.
  11. Obviously very disappointing but the snow held fairly strong today with it being pretty cold and fairly cloudy with some flurries around. Very pretty sunset. So, some positives.
  12. Oh good, cold just in time for it to be too warm to snow unless you live in PSU land. Doesn’t really matter to me now anyway. This season has been a disaster and the only thing that can save it is a HECS, which isn’t even worth fretting over or paying any attention to models unless the NAO dips.
  13. Saw there were like 70 unread posts in here and thought maybe something exciting was going on with next weekend. Uhhhhh, no.
  14. That shocks me that there weren’t a bunch of days like that in 2014 and 2015. Also feel like there have been a few storms since maybe 2018 where I thought that may have happened.
  15. Same. I got good snow for about 45 minutes to an hour, and then another 30-45 of steady snow. If I hadn’t, it would have been a dusting on the grass. Instead, I ended up around 3 inches and all surfaces covered, at least for a time, before the pavement melt began.
  16. Was coming here to post that you really nailed that. Wild to see that band sit and just absolutely dump. Could have been in the 10-14 inches band, but then again, had that band parked somewhere over us, it was so thin that there would have been a lot of devastated fellow forumers. I guess we all learned something from that setup for the future, however. Ended up with about 3 inches here just eyeballing. Perhaps some compaction but not enough snow for it to matter. I, like you, woke up to a melted driveway lol. WTF. I am so depressed with what’s going on with our climo for snow.
  17. Street caved. Dumping good here. Just need three more hours of this lol.
  18. Down to 33 and snow picking back up. Sidewalks and driveway caving. Street trying to cave in spots.
  19. Even that great band up by Harrisburg has dissipated and it looks like they are basically done. I think I’m out in the future on these real short duration events. Just expect a couple inches and be surprised if you get more. Just too dependent on really heavy rates to do any better.
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