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Everything posted by osfan24

  1. I was thinking something like that. I think you guys might go over 2 inches.
  2. 12k looks amazing. 3k probably more realistic but still solid.
  3. Latest NAM and GFS runs are a little concerning for the cities. Nice snow for the usual north and west spots but right around the cities is meh.
  4. This storm reminds me of a very poor man's 2011 commutageddon or maybe the December 2013 event that hit Baltimore and Philly (minus the changeover).
  5. I would be shocked if there are not early dismissals. There have been for much, much less threatening events.
  6. In marginal events or events with sleet, the 10:1 maps are usually awful as well. I tend to take the middle ground between the two unless it's a true white rain event.
  7. I feel like this is a tough call with the temperatures because if this thing really thumps, then it could drag down colder air and also it will just be easier to accumulate. Might really come down to how heavy the rates get. Get the rates, get a few inches. Don't get the rates, get white rain. Agree on the snow depth maps. I find them totally useless except for when white rain is the expectation.
  8. That's great news. I've always thought that it's an unbelievable waste of money and damages the waterways.
  9. I can live with that if it's not the usual white rain I get where I have to strain my eyes to notice precipitation is falling. The hot and heavy arrival followed by quick exit is much more fun.
  10. I'm just hoping for a 1-2 hour period in the late afternoon where it feels like the middle of a legit big winter storm so I can head out for a nice run in it. Doesn't even have to accumulate for me. Just remind me that legit snow and winter exists.
  11. I'm pretty much there at this point. I'm come to terms with it and I'm at peace with it. My hope is that another dud winter (although I know some will argue last winter wasn't a dud since we were around average snowfall but the way we got there sucked) makes us due (even though that's not really a thing), but I just want a big snowstorm. Sure, a blizzard would be great, but a 4-8/6-12/8-14 would be nice, and one that doesn't start melting the second it ends or turns to rain and washes away.
  12. Seems like we are only a few days away from probably cancelling almost all of January.
  13. Did anyone really expect it to snow during this period though? It's been obvious to me for a few days now that we are done through at least January 20 unless some fluke event hits us, and I'm not tracking any potential fluke events in this crap pattern unless they get within a 3-4 day window of hitting us.
  14. Isn't it more about being east for us and not too far south? I mean, NYC is quite often too far south. Unless you are in the interior Northeast or in New England, you basically get the same snow every year, with some exceptions obviously. NYC averages a couple inches of snow per year more than BWI.
  15. Maybe there was a good storm or two in there, but I literally don't remember getting anything more than 1-3 inches or so since the January 2016 blizzard. I don't recall any storm since then where I was doing any real shoveling.
  16. Agreed. I'd rather all of the most knowledgeable posters here be honest and realistic and not just feed fantasy BS just to make people feel good. It just makes it worse when it doesn't come to fruition. It is what it is right now. Things currently look bleak. Very bleak. Maybe they turn around, maybe they don't. We are paying the price for the heater we were on from 2009-2016 I suppose. I guess some would argue 2016 sucked, which it did outside of a few days, but I digress.
  17. Far too early to punt this winter, but getting the vibe we may have to pull off a 2016 type event where we get super lucky with timing to salvage this winter at all. Otherwise, it could be like 2016 minus the blizzard.
  18. Big fan of his work but I thought he was talking about cold and snow around the holidays and getting his shovel ready. It's honestly hard to take anyone too seriously because, even as smart as a lot of these people are, in most cases they have no idea what's going to happen.
  19. Definitely more than I got. You and WxUSAF must live really far north and west in Elkridge or something. I'm on the eastern side and maybe even a bit south. I thought from WxUSAF's avatar that he was in Columbia.
  20. BWI is probably a tad low but I'm in Elkridge and not far from the airport and was disappointed. Probably only had .3 or .4 or something like that. I don't know where those spotters are in Elkridge, but the one spotter always seems really high on all of his/her snow amounts. Saw they reported an inch this morning. Would love to know what part of Elkridge that spotter is in. Maybe just a super slant-sticker.
  21. My wife and kids are home and happy. I work from home today so I am not. Cant believe schools are closed for this. Little bit of snow on the grass and that’s it.
  22. Looks like the slightest nudge north, but probably just noise. I expect it to slightly bump north from that depiction anyway.
  23. I wish I could use both the weenie and laugh emojis for this post.
  24. That was exactly my thought when I saw it, too. I could go for that again.
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