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Everything posted by osfan24

  1. Business picked up in a hurry. Pretty concerning for what we could see tomorrow.
  2. Yeah, that big line doesn't really form. Parts of it do but it's hit or miss. There is a big, nasty line to the south that almost seems to race due north that looks real ugly.
  3. It looked pretty freaking intense to me. I don't remember the last time I saw a simulated radar look like that for 10+ hours.
  4. 3km is just hour after hour of storms rolling through. Pretty wild from around 2-3 am through early afternoon.
  5. Ahhh, just seeing that now on TWC. Does look like big damage there.
  6. I guess it's still early but it seems like there isn't all that much happening down south, thankfully. Seen a number of tornado warnings out but I haven't seen any official tornado reports or damage yet.
  7. FWIW, DT posted an update last night and said he doesn't see any significant severe weather for Central MD area.
  8. Really strange. I get the most recent one issued from about 70 and north, but the one south......weird that there is a lot of wind in that area.
  9. What's up with that Severe T-Storm Warning box? There's nothing in it.
  10. Unless I"m missing something, round two for this evening/tonight is looking really bleak on radar.
  11. Cleared out quickly this morning, so that can't hurt.
  12. Agreed. Feel like the bulk of it dives southeast of most of us.
  13. This seems like one where our far northwest friends have a shot but down closer to the cities, we are likely enduring one final heartbreak to a wretched season. Hope it holds on and pans out for the rest of you though. Would make for a really fun Monday.
  14. Now would be a really great time for a big snowstorm to show up on all the models so we have something to track. Or for it to be 70 and sunny every day so we all have something to go out and enjoy. Stay safe, everyone!
  15. Because there are a lot more of these days than snow days. Also, while there are more of these days than snow days, there are actually not THAT many San Diego-type days here. Most of our springs are a mixture of cool and rainy and/or huge jumps in temperature before you can adjust. If it was a string of beautiful, 70 degree days, that would be different. But we will inevitably get a jump from rain and 60 to hot and humid and mid 80's.
  16. LOL. I'm not home but my wife is. She told me it's thundering and hailing. I was like uhhhh, highly doubt it's hail. It's graupel.
  17. An early April Fool's joke, I hope.
  18. This is, at best, a southern slider. Next. Oh wait, there isn't a next.
  19. Gonna be time to open that March thread pretty soon.
  20. January 2016 was absolutely, at least for my area, the last good event, unless your expectations for an event are quite low. An event worthy of saying a winter was good is at least storm warning level. Minor events can be good events, especially if they overperform or they are cold smoke, but they don't make a winter unless there is a parade of them. Just my opinion though.
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