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Everything posted by osfan24

  1. I think I had to get over an inch from that. Nice to cash in. Hopefully it all just didn't run right off.
  2. Have to say Blizzard of 96. That's the first big storm I really remember. I was glued to The Weather Channel and couldn't believe we had a Blizzard Warning. And then to be out of school for a whole week and to see the drifts.
  3. We could certainly use a couple of these to develop and eventually make their way here. We need rain so bad.
  4. Ha, the main line somehow missed me, too. Beat goes on. Somehow going to have to water my grass today. Line is really pushing east now. Seems FF threat has ended for about everyone except the city.
  5. Yeah, big winners seem to be whoever gets the cluster from Bmore down into Anne Arundel County and then northeast of there.
  6. Finally got some thunder but still not a drop. Radar starting pop ahead of the main line now down this way but the problem is the main line is basically on our doorstep. So close to a great heavy rain event. I'll be real interested to see some of those totals in PA.
  7. Seems pretty obvious just looking at radar, though I would say PA and north. Even Baltimore is missing a lot of that pre-front activity that’s popping ahead of the main line.
  8. What did you get yesterday?
  9. Looks like big winners are gonna be DC with that cell and then Northern Baltimore again. West side of Baltimore County getting it right now.
  10. Ha, I got missed with rain somehow for the second straight day. All kinds of thunder again, but no rain. Hopefully some of the cells popping up ahead of this main line get me. Yard has a lot of brown spots.
  11. Flash Flood Watch up for Baltimore metro area.
  12. It's been thundering in the distance here for over two hours but not a drop yet lol.
  13. Really shocked there's no flood warning out for that one. Can hear some distant thunder from here. That would have been pounding my old house!
  14. Getting wet right now. Even just heard some thunder.
  15. For whatever reason, seems like the winners are Baltimore County and the Upper Eastern Shore. Stuff just keeps blowing up. Not much happening to the southwest of that.
  16. Line has strengthened some but really starting to blow up ahead of the line from Baltimore and east.
  17. Line is very unimpressive. Best stuff seems to be on the Eastern Shore and up into Delaware and extreme SE PA.
  18. Nice looking clouds to my north with that storm heading into Baltimore County but even that seems tame. Not even any lightning with it. Maybe more stuff starts cranking but we are losing heating of the day and everything is very isolated at the moment.
  19. Storms seem to be collapsing as they approach Central MD.
  20. Latest NAM looks more robust as well.
  21. Yeah, this has been terrible. Big bust on the rain amounts but day after day of cool, drizzly type weather. Kinda the worst-case scenario.
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