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Everything posted by osfan24

  1. Right, but basically a month into it since Friday is nothing and then we have a week or so of nothing heading into February.
  2. Yeah, I might even go F given expectations. To date, we have had basically three snow events. We had the anafront deal that gave me a light dusting, the snow squall which gave me a light dusting and was probably more fun than the anafront event, and then the snow this week, which was solid but honestly disappointed me a little because it basically shut off at midnight and it also never snowed hard at any point. Friday looks like a dusting to a couple of inches at best. In a Nina, that’s a B through January. In a Nino over the past seven years, it’s basically a complete fail. The good news is that, even when we flip the calendar to February, we are still only halfway through winter, if that. But sun angle season isn’t far away, either, and snow that falls later in that period won’t be around long.
  3. This "event" happens mostly during the day, too, so rates are going to be important or it's just gonna be wasted qpf anyway.
  4. It seems so close to something pretty great but I am just not sure it's going to get there.
  5. It does, depending on rates and temperature. But it's much, much more forgiving than late February and March. If it snows decently and it's in the 20's, it will stick without a problem.
  6. I am not worried about a week or so relax. I am worried about the NAO.
  7. 93 sorta counts. But yeah, that was a long stretch. But I was only 10 in 93 so…..
  8. Eh, if we whiff on this and Philly and NYC get a couple inches, I won’t be losing sleep. I want a real snow.
  9. Depressing that it looks like we might go another year without a HECS. We have to be closing in on the longest gap in between HECS that we have ever had.
  10. Yeah, we need some pretty big changes in the next 24 hours or so.
  11. Hoco is a tough call because there is already a three-hour early dismissal.
  12. Looks like the GFS was off its rocker about ending with .2-.4 across the area midday today.
  13. CMC looks nice. The thing with these runs is, if we can see the type of tweaks we saw with this last system, this could really be a nice storm. Just dig a little more. A little closer to the coast.
  14. Seemed like GFS. Mesos seemed to be a bit too bullish once the event got going. GFS had a solid 4-5.5 across the area and that seemed to have verified very well. Euro seemed too dry.
  15. It's very frustrating. I get that some jobs are such that you are more productive in an office setting, but most office jobs are not that way. For me, personally, I am for more productive at home than I was in the office. I don't have people constantly stopping by to talk about nothing, we don't schedule meetings unless they are actually needed, and I'm just far happier overall which makes me more productive.
  16. This. It was like a light mist of snow. Also, because rates were so light, cloud cover wasn't as thick and the sun could do its thing. The March storms we've had in recent years that accumulated well had temps that were a bit colder but more importantly the rates were light to moderate, not glorified sprinkles.
  17. Yeah, we are still full remote, which is amazing, but I have a feeling they are going to try to force us back a couple days a week soon for whatever nonsensical reasons they have. But yeah, the tradeoff of having to work snow days has been totally worth it given the flexibility. And we have hardly had any snow days the past however many years anyway.
  18. Surprised you are getting flakes. Freezing rain here. I guess that's probably a wrap on the snow. Had a little more than five inches here.
  19. Will be interesting to see what precip type that slug of moisture coming up from the southwest drops and if it continues to expand. Looks mostly like a 95 and east type deal. Was pretty surprised when I woke up and saw I didn't really pick up any additional accumulations after midnight. Seemed like the winter storm warning jinxed it lol. I thought I would tack on at least a couple of inches after midnight from just very light, steady snow if nothing else. Seems like the GFS did pretty well with this one. NAM and some of the mesos, unless we get his this morning with more accumulation, were a little too bullish.
  20. Radar a bit more scattered in coverage than I expected right now. Hopefully, it fills in some. Thought we would see another few hours of moderate snow before it became sporadic like it looks. Also, somehow the good bands keep missing me, lol. Either fall apart or go around me. Need to figure out who put up the force field.
  21. Wow, so close to something bigger. Probably just going to run out of time but this thing really made big adjustments over the past 24 hours.
  22. Let’s gooooo!!!!!! It’s been forever! Feels amazing. And just as some tasty bands are incoming.
  23. If RAP is right, I could hit 8 or maybe a little higher.
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