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Everything posted by osfan24

  1. Seems like Kuchera not buying the high ratio stuff. Certainly not buying crazy JB.
  2. I don't like seeing how north it is getting. Like some have said, there are two max bands, one with heaviest qpf and bad temps and one with great temps and solid qpf. The colder of those two bands seems to be drifting up into southern PA on some of the models.
  3. NAM is rolling. Would like to see that start to juice up a bit.
  4. Sure, maybe that one works out as well, but it doesn't appear it would be a significant storm. Probably just more of the same. Depending upon how well we do with this one Friday night/Saturday, maybe that one hits as well as pushes us to near climo for the year.
  5. Barring some kind of fluke March miracle, it seems like this could be it. Swing and a miss on a big storm again.
  6. Icon is thumpy. Would be a great storm up in extreme northern MD when you take into account ratios. JB ratios would give them over a foot, lol.
  7. Bullseye over the area. Just needs some serious JUICE.
  8. I guess it is ok. Maybe 1-2 wouldn't be something I think of as a solid hit but maybe that is me. Maybe it can juice up some. The fact it gets in during nighttime is very helpful.
  9. Eh, I think we overachieved in those two January events. This one trended south but it was a nothing down here. I got maybe .3 of snow. Maybe if you were closer to the MD/PA line. But in a Nino, having two northern stream events give you 4-5 inches each and basically nothing else is depressing. I also think the pattern being shown vanishing was so frustrating because the pattern was unfolding quite similarly to other Nino's where you get a January thaw and then things reload. Now, they maybe were reloading a couple weeks later than usual, but it followed the general pattern of our good years. Plus, PSU knows his stuff and is always optimistic yet cautious but really liked this period. He isn't usually wrong. Maybe things turn around and we still get lucky and he turns out right. I would just like my kids, who are now 9 and 6, to actually get to enjoy a real snowstorm as a kid.
  10. I think some of it is psychological. There was so much hype about this perfect period coming up. People saying it had the same look as February 2010, etc. I am not saying I or others expected a repeat, but I think we all thought we would be tracking non-stop and there would be some chances at a HECS. That's just all vanished, and given it is basically looking out to the end of February on the models, that is grim. Also, I thought bobchill had a great point about how a winter can have a personality, and this one has been one of missed opportunities and things really never just quite lining up for us. Is that something that is suddenly going to change? Maybe! But probably not, lol.
  11. Sky looks like some of the "post significant snowstorm skies" I remember from yesteryear. Alas.
  12. I think delay was the right call to see if the rates overtook the roads. They didn't, so off to school they go. It was supposed to snow for 4 plus hours. It actually snowed for maybe 2 lol. So it goes. Let's see if we can luck into one big storm before the flowers bloom.
  13. Best rates of the day by far. Probably coming down an inch an hour right now. Decent flakes, too. Where was this all morning? Starting to see sidewalks and streets getting slushy and trying to cave.
  14. Yeah, I never bought those runs. I did think last night that this thing was likely going to either completely bust or surprise to the upside, with the most likely scenario being it busting. Had to avoid dry slot. Had to have rates. Had to be cold enough. Just too many things had to line up.
  15. Yeah it did kinda nail that. I wonder what kind of rates it advertised. Between the dry slot and the rates not being anywhere near what HRRR threw out there, that was all she wrote for this one. I thought this had some 2011 vibes but the rates were in completely different worlds and those rates also lasted far longer. I think I got about 20 minutes of moderate snow lol.
  16. It tries but it never really does. Those HRRR advertised rates were hilarious.
  17. Oh man, that band kinda weakened and accelerated as it got to me. I think an inch is going to be a tall task now. Appropriate for this winter.
  18. That's me, basically! Waffling between light and moderate snow now.
  19. Light snow here now. Looks like that band has made it to my doorstep. Let's see if it is legit or not.
  20. Yeah, I am getting very light snow here, if you can call it that.
  21. I really hate this winter with a passion. So much hype. Just a bunch of teases. I don't think it would have been an epic winter to this point, but it would have been a really good one if some of these perfect track storms would have been snow. Sitting here waiting on the dryslot to fill in while I can see the back edge flying east. Looks like I am going to get one little band out of this for 45 minutes to an hour and that's it. Dumbest hobby ever.
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