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Everything posted by jbenedet

  1. 0z GFS was BS the way it hangs back the southern stream and doesn’t phase at all. Hard sell. The GEFS and EPS both look more amped out west with much earlier and cleaner phasing than the op.
  2. For S&G's.. 975/984 location right near PSM/PWM, is my bet at this point. And 975 good baseline in terms of intensity at that location.
  3. Yeh; no kiddin'. The teles scream amped solution. This one looks like poor timing in a good longwave pattern. The Northern stream looks like it will phase early, and cleanly with the southern stream over the central US. The southern stream vort is also amped, early on out west. The building PNA ridge allows the northern stream to drop right into the central plains. Kaboom. I'm worried about warm sectoring into SE northern new england. This thing is gonna crank. Too much of a good thing, for most.
  4. Allow the multi-day torch to commence. Exceed average daily high by 10 am kinda day. 45 is a lock for PSM. 47 my bet. +12
  5. I was driving through Andover MA this past weekend and saw a field of broccoli heads coming up. Had to triple take it…. That’s at least a month early.
  6. Yes that’s another good point. By this time of the year, for buildings/homes that get good sun, you’re def using less heat at 35 and full sun than 45 and clouds. And yea does a lot to improve your day to day sentiment in the heart of winter.
  7. Not really. By feb, 35 and full sun is like 45 real feel; can even feel closer to 50 in city scapes, if wind is completely calm. Also does a lot to brighten things up—lower absolute humidity levels in winter and no vegetation maximize ISR in the biosphere, right at the surface.
  8. Only because the snow maps weren’t producing much at all for New England.
  9. Looks more like late November than early February. And this is before the warmup this week in the northeast which will push the pack line back to Winne. Wouldn’t use early feb climo with snow pack and SST’s up here… Better use a significant + surface temp bias in SNE or risk getting burned.
  10. Big snows will always be close in Dec and Jan, we live in New England lol. I def would not feel good about a forecast on that merit.
  11. The outcomes to date have been pretty damn textbook significant El Niño. Just following that seasonal forecast would have yield great accuracy results to date
  12. That curious look for the cold shot this weekend with massive ridge in plains and trough in the northeast is going to continue to flatten out It looks very MJO phase 6ish. Notorious lag, i know but we've been in phase 7 and will remain so into the weekend. Sell BN. Think good chance it turns out AN both days. Likely really nice for early feb..
  13. The banding was good enough for 6" to the sea coast NH down to- Newburyport MA/Lawrence. But temps a huge limiting factor throughout. Pretty cool driving from Dover to DAW and seeing snow amounts triple in ~8 miles.
  14. Way too much of this white rain has been registering as snow on these algorithms. That’s the only reasonable explanation.
  15. Radar looks good in northern mid Atlantic but that’s decaying as it swings east, and the mid levels open back up. Misconception to think that whole structure swings through tonight in that same state. It’s also going to speed up. I feel like 2” is optimistic scenario here; and most likely outcome is a coating.
  16. Those areas that dry out are probably going to warm up to mid 30’s, before temps fall again in the evening Very early spring like.
  17. I think part II is the focus for just about all except northern berks and southern VT, which cash in on both. Part II will produce in most areas but she’s going to be racing east at that point, so expectations need to be low, especially with BL temps hovering at/just above freezing throughout.
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