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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Show Kuchera. Definitely going to better than 10:1
  2. Yeap. Snowing in Smithsburg and sticking
  3. Already getting stickage at the m/d line
  4. Snowing lightly in Smithsburg
  5. Your right it was flatter initially but it didn't matter. Once the TPV dropped south it just went bonkers.
  6. Fully expecting our area to get shafted. All it would take is for the development to be delayed by 6 -12 hours. East off 95 is in a great spot.
  7. Eastern areas are really in a sweet spot.
  8. It's pretty bad to be honest. Looks at all the low placements. Not many would get us into any qpf.
  9. Feels like an all or nothing system for next week. Makes me nervous not having a slug if moisture coming up from the Southwest of us. Basically relying on the system to amplify to the south at the right time and early enough. High bust potential if the system gets going 6 hours to late.
  10. 06z euro was definitely more amped up compared to 00z. The next 12 hours on the euro was going to be rippage
  11. I think the cmc is going to be good
  12. Probably a good thing. Confluence looks a little weaker up north
  13. Compared to climo yes we have been shafted but it happens some years. It all balances out. Southern parts of our region are above climo already. I'm a little over 50% right now with about 4 weeks left. Going to need a good finish to get there. Our 2 biggest storms this year that gave double digits south were 4" and 2" snows in the north respectively. I'm not complaining but just saying compared to Climo it hasn't been a great year for the Northern crew so far. It's happens some years.
  14. Not going to post this in the MA forum but Seeing the eps mean really is discouraging. I don't really care if it shows 3" for us. Shows double for southern MD and we've seen enough of this, this season to know how it goes. As you've alluded to probably have another 2 or 3 days before we know more but it wouldn't shock me to see another south of DC Jack. I want to see this amped up as much as possible. I'll take my chances with mixing.
  15. Not gonna lie. That map is irritating. Lol
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