GFS has been hinting around the 9th - 10th for a while now.its has cold chasing moisture around that time frame. Not out of the question that some areas could see some flakes towards the middle of the month.
Heck- I had 7 inches last November 15th.
The same storm that hit Thurmont came through Smithsburg first and it did have some hellacious winds. Worst winds I have witnessed. Trees down everywhere in the development along with some houses having damage to siding and roof shingles.
Just got back from a 3 mile walk. Snow walks will never get old.
Roads and sidewalks finally starting to cave.
Currently 30 degrees with Moderate snow in Smithsburg.
1.25" so far.
I was just going to say that places that are getting snow, it should be getting easier to accumulate as we have heavier returns moving in from the west and the Sun beginning to set.
Light snow currently. 31 degrees.
Had about .5 on the deck prior to the rates letting up,over the past hour. Looks like I've lost about half of it to melting during the lesser rates.