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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Passed through the back door front on the way home from work. 54 in Hanover PA. 67 when I got to Smithsburg.
  2. Happy hour delivers. Pretty big front end thump.
  3. My store was crazy today. Not sure when its going to slow down. WTF is everyone doing with all the TP that is being bought. Insane
  4. Its going to take weeks to catch up. Grocery stores are crushed. If your in the grocery bussiness your living in a different reality right now than what your accustomed to.
  5. I am a Store Manager at a Grocery store and we have changed our cleaning and sanitizing processes to combat the coroniviris. Also Ive never seen a run like this before. Snow storms we get hit hard and then we are very slow for a few days after. This just keep going and going. The supply chains are unable to keep up. Our warehouse is completely out of TP. Edit - I ve been in grocery retail for 25 years and Ive never seen anything like this.
  6. For cleaning and restocking
  7. Walmart has new hours that go into effect today. Any 24 hour locations will switch there operating hours from 6am to 11pm.
  8. Showalter was awesome. Before he came to Baltimore the O's were intimidated by the Redsox and Yankees. He intentially did things during games with those teams the first couple of years he was here to say were not afraid of you and its going to be a battle for all 27 outs. Loved the attitude and grit he brought to Baltimore. He did more with less resources and talent then most other managers are capable of. Edit - I remember 1 game where I thought he was going to start throwing punches at Joe Giardi at home plate. Really miss what he brought to the O's.
  9. I agree. They can cancel the entire mlb season as far as im concerned.
  10. I really hope the cold bias of the gfs in the medium range gets fixed.
  11. Pretty nice event for the m/d line.
  12. I saw that but didn't post it. Fiquired everyone is done. Only 5.5 days away
  13. Adequate testing is so important to know what extent of it we are dealing with and to make the appropriate decisions based off of how widespread it is and what areas ,etc. Its impossible to make educated decisions if we dont have all the facts. IMHO its crazy that we do not have the ability to adequately do testing right now in the most powerful county in the world.
  14. Lol. Yep. I dont get it either. Hand sanitizer and cleaning products sure.
  15. I am a Store Manager of a Grocery store and it's been crazy the last week. Not 1 pack of toilet paper left in the store. No hand sanitizer and cleaning products, etc. Problem is our warehouse is out of it and will probably be out of it for an extended period of time. Its really histeria going on right now
  16. Ive got atleast another 20 years. It sucks watching your nestegg drop like a rock but now is the best time to buy. Ive got my 401k set up with a large percentage of it being in aggressive funds. Not changing anything now. I
  17. I refuse to look at my 401k during times like this lol.
  18. Stay away from coughing "dancers"..lol
  19. Great info and write up @WxWatcher007 The italy situation is eye opening and shows how things can turn quickly.
  20. Wtf is going on in here lol
  21. I believe this is Turgeons 8th or 9 th year now. Time flies when your having fun lol. Turgeons teams seem to fade down the stretch. This is by far the best team he has had at MD though. Would like to see them atleast get to the second weekend
  22. They needed this game badly. Played well. Hopefully its the start of a deep run in the tourney
  23. I've followed this weather board for years and what I have realized is as trolls disappear there's always new ones to fill the void. I'll never understand why people get satisfaction in messing with other people behind a computer screen.
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