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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Ive heard that whatever grade you child had at the end of the 3rd marking period will be the final but that's just a rumor at this point. Distance learning has been a bit difficult so far. Mainly with just websites not working ,etc.
  2. Distance learning has been clunky so far. I have 2 kids in elementary school and the google classroom app can be somewhat diffucult to operate. Especially when you have links that direct you to websites that bog down your wifi. Tears from my 9 year old all afternoon because she keeps getting kicked off. Ive heard that whatever grade they ended up with at the end of the 3rd marking period will be there final grade but that's just a rumor right now.
  3. Im sure the amount of infections are much higher I agree. But they still wouldnt be in the ball park of influenza.
  4. They will change over time but they are what they are at this point.
  5. 2018 / 2019 flu season per cdc estimates - 35.5 million cases. 34,000 deaths. .09% death rate. Coronavirus to date - 622,973 Deaths - 27,586 Death rate - 4.48%
  6. I agree 100%. The curve will be a gradual trend down and not a drop off of a cliff lol. Its going to take time and patience. It appears that the current guidlines are working. The US needs to see it through and not rush things. IMO June 1st is a much more reasonable time frame to start opening things back up but we need to be flexible and adjust as time goes on.
  7. Had a light accumulation last night in Smithsburg. Gone now lol.
  8. Yea. Overnight Thursday into friday has the northern tier near freezing with a period of light snow. Actually this time period looks better than Wednesday morning along the md/pa border. Lol
  9. Yea. Seemed like just a decent thunderstorm up this way. Nothing crazy.
  10. Thats a bit south of me towards @poolz1. Any crazy winds down there in poolz1 land??
  11. Coming through Smithsburg right now. Torrential winds and rain. A little Thunder and lightening but not much.
  12. Wow. Thats quite the process. With working in the grocery industry I feel I am always exposing myself to germs coming into contact with hundreds if not thousands of people eveyday.
  13. 12z euro definitely has snow in the air for alot of us on Wednesday Morning. Its the "snowiest" run of the last few. Im using the term snowiest very loosely lol.
  14. Was wondering how they are going to handle grades. My 2 kids are in elementary school and the first week of distance learning has been really clunky. Basically its been read this, answer these questions and post it on google classroom.
  15. Lol. Thats better than it looked most of the winter.
  16. It wont be that close. Move everything 3 or 4 hundred miles further north and that will be more accurate. Its happened most of the time this winter. Looks chilly though.
  17. TP is the worst section in the store. The problem is we are only getting in 10% of our order for TP. Within 1 to 2 hours after the truck is stocked its gone and then we are waiting for 2 days till our next delivery. For center store we are only getting in about 25% of our order. Fresh departments are a little better but still only about 50% of whats being ordered. Its going take months for grocery stores to recover from this.
  18. Food Lion Pretty much everyone across the industry is implementing these protocols.
  19. I manage a Grocery store up your way and we have put many things in place over the last 2 weeks trying to keep our customers and store associates safe. **** plexi glass installed at each register. **** face shields available for associates. **** practicing 6 foot social distancing in the store and especially at the registers **** cleaning the register belts between each order ***** dedicated cleaning and sanitizing associates from open to close cleaning high touch items/areas every hour. ( freezer door handles, cart handles, pin pads, etc) **** removing hand baskets and small shopping carts from the sales floor. Only using large shopping carts help maintain 6 ft distancing. **** removing perimeter displays to help maintain 6 ft distancing. Coming into contact with hundreds or thousands of strangers everyday can be a little scary but people gotta eat lol.
  20. China basically shut there country down for a month.
  21. Damn shame we didnt have this set up a month ago. No guarantee it would of worked then either but we would of had a shot.
  22. Has anyone heard yet if the stimulus checks are an advance on next years tax returns ( will be paid back) or considered taxable income? Havent been able to find anything on it yet.
  23. Nice set up with the fire pit! I assume the wooded area is yours also. How big is your property?
  24. That's my plan today. Hopefully get it started . Check the oil, put air in the tires. Take my snowblower out of my garage (never used it this winter) and put it back in my storage room under my garage.
  25. Thanks for posting. Can you post the 6 hr time stamp prior to that. Thanks so much.
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