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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Its crazy how far and fast the O's have fallen since 2014. I was at game 1 of the ALDS against Detroit. Great day. Spent the afternoon at Pickles before the 5 pm start time of the game. Such a pumped up atmosphere. Tillman was hitting 96 - 97 on the radar gun in the first inning so he was pumped up also lol. When the O's scored 7 runs in the seventh inning to bust the game open Camden was so freaking loud. Just an awesome atmosphere.
  2. Lol. Well I guess its a start. If MLB season is shortened it should make the playoff hunt more wide open. Still wont help the O's lol
  3. By the looks of the covid 19 thread today we need sports back open asap lol.
  4. I have a 4th grader and kindergartener and its been tough sledding. Not alot of teacher instruction and just fiquiring things out on our own. Thr most frustrating is when the technology is not working and it takes an hour to do something that should take 10 min.
  5. I like to check out the covid 19 thread for statistics, good information, and conversation but WOW! Pretty much unreadable at this point. What a sh#t show over there lol.
  6. Wtf was this in December, January,February lol
  7. If I had to guess it was 40 mph gusts a couple hours ago. Trash cans blowing all over the place. Lol
  8. Big wind gusts the last few hours.
  9. Normally it the surprise 35 and rain instead of the 2 to 4 of snow that was forecasted lol.
  10. 36 coming over the catoctins this morning by Cunningham falls state park. Pretty darn chilly for almost May.
  11. I love Chinese food and the couple we go to are shut down completely. The one place we have been going there for 20 years. Not the end of the world lol but ill certainly atleast do carryout from them as soon as they open
  12. Has he hit his 5 posts yet?
  13. Sometimes the goverment needs to protect people from themselves.
  14. Thank you If someone doesnt want to protect themselves so be it. But think about the people that are working in stores to provide "essentials" potentially coming into contact with hundreds or thousands of strangers every shift.
  15. The famous Andino walkoff to end the redsox season in 2011. Also this game was the start of the orioles relevance. They had a five year stretch from 2012 - 2016 with the best record in the AL. This pic puts a smile on my face but also makes me sad that Hardy,Jones,weiters are all gone.
  16. This. Masks are more about protecting the people your around. I'm in a retail store 10 hours a day wearing a mask so its a little infuriating when someone doesnt want to wear a mask for the 20 minutes there in the store.
  17. Its going to get worse before it gets better for meat departments over the next few weeks.
  18. Are the models still forcasting a total of 60k deaths on,June 1st.? WOM site has over 50k deaths now. Going to have to slow down alot to stay around 60k on June 1st.
  19. Do you have any at your store? Havent had any at my store in weeks.
  20. My guess is will be at 60k by the end of April.
  21. Yep. Not sure where he is getting those numbers but generally its 30 thousand or so deaths each year from the flu and thats from 10's of millions of actual cases yearly. Dont understand why some are pushing "it's just the flu" narrative.
  22. Certainly didnt hurt having Art Monk, Gary Clark, and Ricky Sanders to throw to.
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