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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. The same HRRR that gave me 12"+ 12 hours before the event on Monday lol
  2. Can we please nudge it a little further north this time? Only asking for 50 miles or so. Asking for several Northern crew friends...
  3. My bar is 1". Most models give northern MD around .1 qpf. Maybe we can juice it up a little over the next 24 hours
  4. Hope he doesn't "ruin" your thread.
  5. Was able to add another inch from the ULL. We were eating dinner up in Waynesboro around 6pm when it really starting coming down good. Ended with a total of 4.25. Respectable but a little underwhelming considering what the American short range models were showing. Hopefully Saturday ends up being a nice advisory level snow to freshen up the pack. I think the window is closing on the bombs the gfs has shown at times but sign me up for a nice 3 to 5 incher.
  6. Basically a 3 to 5 incher. Where do I sign?
  7. Ended up with 4.25" Got another inch from round 2. Here's to hoping we all get crushed this weekend.
  8. Best snow of the day in Northern Washington County. Probably a good .5 in the last hour. Roads are covered again
  9. Still nothing here in Smithsburg. Hasn't snowed is 8 hours here lol
  10. Unfortunately you and I have to hope for different things since we're about 4 hours apart in location
  11. Today was underwhelming up here today. Hoping Saturday is better. We shall see. Glad DC got the goods today! You all were due .
  12. Same here. Hopefully Saturday is better for us
  13. Looks like the best is going to miss northern MD again. Just looking at the radar.
  14. 3 " in Washington County and 2 days off Wtf
  15. Absolutely. The American models stunk for the Northern MD
  16. HRRR is .10 or so of qpf for the ULL. I guess we could grab another inch or so but I'm certainly not counting on it. HRRR was awful for northern MD. Euro really nailed it the past 48 hours. Generally had my area between .3 and .4 qpf. Looks like that's going to be pretty accurate.
  17. What's your thoughts on round 2?
  18. Hope it's correct. I ended up with about 3" from round 1. It's great but a little underwhelming considering what the American short range models were showing yesterday.
  19. Hope it performs. At 3" from round 1
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