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Everything posted by winterwx21

  1. Yeah maybe some showers/storms late Saturday. Sunday and Monday look good. I'll be having my cookouts Sunday and Monday, so I don't care if it rains Saturday anyway. We'll be needing some rain too after a long dry stretch, assuming we don't get anything today. Not too optimistic about later today. I see on the 12 runs HRRR and both NAM models don't have much activity. It looks like just a slight chance (I'd go with 20%). I'm going down to Seaside Heights this afternoon. Weather looks good for that.
  2. I see on the 18z run the HRRR has almost nothing for tomorrow, but then hits us during the overnight hours. We'll be coming up on 10 days without rain so we could use some, but I'm not very high on this threat. It looks mostly to the south but we'll see.
  3. It hit 91 here today. The last 2 days it was 89, so we just barely missed having a 4 day heat wave here.
  4. It hit 89 here, so we just missed the possibility of 4 day heat wave by 1 degree. Gonna be very close again tomorrow.
  5. 88 degrees here right now as we start a hot 4 day period.
  6. I gave the vegetable garden some water yesterday for the first time since that rainy period that we had. The soil has dried out. We could use some rain this coming week, but obviously we don't want big amounts again after all that flooding that some areas got a week ago.
  7. Sunny and 83 with a dewpoint of 52 here. Stunning weather.
  8. Yeah pretty cloudy right now, but another very comfortable day with the low humidity. About the last of the cool weather for awhile as we go into a warm pattern in the coming days. No more brutal heat, but lots of 85 to 90 degree days over the next couple weeks.
  9. Yeah it only got down to 72 in my house despite the low temp of 52 here. As Dark Star said, there's some heat that gets trapped and lingers in the house for awhile when you have the first cool shot outside. It was nice not having to use the AC though. Of course we'll be back to regular AC use again with the warm pattern settling back in for the weekend and beyond. We might hit 90 here on Sunday. At least upper 80s, and I think there's a good chance we'll hit low 90s late next week.
  10. Yeah it pulsed up to the south a little bit, so I just got a 2 minute downpour. Not nearly as heavy as yesterday's downpours though.
  11. Hearing some thunder with a storm missing me just to the north. Just getting a shower here.
  12. I was happy to get almost an inch and a half here. A very nice soaking but missed the really big amounts that cause flooding. I thought it was important to get a good soaking since we're looking at a very long dry period after today. Storms later today look widely scattered. Nothing like yesterday but a few areas will get downpours. Then onto the long beautiful dry stretch. Looking forward to the refreshing weather the next few days. Dew points will drop to the high 40s.
  13. 1.34" so far here today. Most of that from the downpours this evening, but a third of an inch from the overnight rain. Nice soaking.
  14. I'm getting it pretty good here in the northwest part of the County. I'm up to 0.80" from this evening's downpours and it's still coming down VERY heavily right now. I know your area a little to my southeast isn't getting as much.
  15. Pouring here again. I see another one formed in southern Somerset County, so we'll probably get a 3rd downpour here in a little while.
  16. Looks as if it's gonna be pouring here again in a few minutes too. Nothing like what's going on up in northern NJ, but at least our area is getting some good downpours.
  17. Yeah the worst is missing to the north, but some heavy downpours starting to hit our area. It's coming down in buckets here right now but only a brief downpour.
  18. Had 0.32" here overnight. Glad the vegetable garden got a drink. I see HRRR hits us around 6pm. Hoping to get a good storm later today. I'm looking forward to the fall preview this week. Probably highs in the mid 70s for a couple days, and it should get down to the low-mid 50s here Tuesday and Wednesday night. It'll be nice to have some refreshing weather. I'm also looking forward to the warm pattern after that. The week leading up to Labor Day is a good time to have a nice summery week. Next weekend through that week we should have lots of days with high temps upper 80s to around 90.
  19. I got clipped by that downpour. It dropped 0.07" here.
  20. And this run is much different with the placement of the very heavy rains than the 18z run. The 18z HRRR run had the very heavy stuff to the south and west. Obviously it doesn't have a clue at this point where the big rains will be. We just have to wait until tomorrow, but there is major potential. NAM 3km doesn't show that huge amounts that HRRR does, but it has a half inch to an inch and a half for most. Hopefully most areas will get a good soaking. Important that we get it since it's going to be a long time before we get rain again after Monday.
  21. We're going to need the rain this weekend too, because it looks like a VERY long dry stretch after Monday.
  22. I hope we get a decent amount Sunday into Monday. I know we had that very wet week to start the month, but it dries out quickly this time of year. By this weekend we'll be getting to the point that we could use some again.
  23. Another nice airmass coming in for next week. Looks as if we could see high temps in the upper 70s with low humidity for Tuesday through Thursday next week. This is turning out to be a pretty comfortable August after that blazing hot July that we had.
  24. Had a high temp of 83 here today. Felt great with the dew point around 57. As WestBaby said, a top 10 day of the summer.
  25. I see Roger Smith did a good job explaining in the post below yours. Did you have any luck seeing any? I saw 6 in the hour I spent outside from 12:30 to 1:30. A little disappointing to see only 6 since I've always seen more than that in an hour (usually more than 10), but a couple of them were especially nice. I saw a fireball and another one that was very long and colorful. I'm gonna spend another hour outside tonight and hopefully will see more this time.
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