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Everything posted by winterwx21

  1. We're probably going to get somewhere between a half inch and an inch from this event. Not the major rainstorm that we really need, but it will help.
  2. At least we have a few models showing a nice 1 inch soaking, but I know it's hard to break through during a dry pattern. It wouldn't be surprising to see this threat fall apart, but at least we have some hope.
  3. 12z Euro gives us a nice half inch to 1 inch soaking Wednesday night into Thursday morning. Obviously too early to be confident about it, but let's hope that's correct. Boy do we need it.
  4. 12z Euro does give most of the area a nice half inch to inch soaking Wednesday night into Thursday morning, with some spots getting more than that. Obviously we would be thrilled with that at this point.
  5. Coldest morning of the season here so far with a low of 28. It's going to struggle to hit 50 today. Nice to finally have some real november weather, but of course we're going back up to the mid 60s this weekend. Looks like chilly weather comes back for Thanksgiving week.
  6. I got down to 29 here last night.
  7. A quarter inch as expected. Just brief minor help. Sucks that there isn't any significant rain in sight.
  8. Finally a freeze here. Made it down to 29. Warm weather vegetable plants are finished. Of course lettuce is very hardy, so that'll be producing for a little while longer.
  9. I guess the very warm weather pattern helped it.
  10. The growing season for warm weather vegetables most likely comes to an end here tonight. Good chance we're finally gonna drop a little below freezing. If we escape tonight, then it would very likely happen Tuesday night. Time to say goodbye to my beloved pole lima beans, lol. A little sad but it's definitely time.
  11. Would be great if we can pull that off. Obviously not nearly enough to help much with the drought, but we desperately need to get some moisture into the soil to reduce the fire risk. I'm skeptical that we'll get that much though. A weak system is going to have a tough time overcoming this incredibly dry pattern. Wouldn't be a surprise to see it dry up and only deliver a tenth of an inch, but hopefully that won't be the case. We'll see.
  12. I see 12z GFS and CMC give us a quarter to half inch Sunday night. Let's hope that's correct. Unbelievable how dry it is out there. Just walking on the yard causes dust to fly. Never seen anything like this.
  13. I picked another good batch of pole lima beans yesterday. Nice to have this extended growing season, but of course it will be ending soon. We've had a few close calls, and it looks like another one Saturday night with the temp getting close to 32 here. Maybe it's going to end Saturday night, but if not it won't last too much longer with the cooler pattern in the long range. Monday looks like a warm day, but after that it's going to feel a lot more like November.
  14. 82 here right now. Feels like summer.
  15. 78 degrees here. I was just outside doing leaf cleanup before I leave for bow hunting, and it felt like I was working in early September out there instead of early November. All sweated up. Crazy. Leaves have been really coming down quickly too. It was a nice fall foliage season, but a short one due to the drought. A lot of bare trees already. At least we're gonna have a nice cool weekend before the next torch next week. 80 degrees again Tuesday and Wednesday.
  16. Already up to 81 here. Gonna hit 83 or 84. Crazy. I'll go outside to water the vegetable garden and pretend that it's August. It feels as if the growing season is gonna continue forever this year.
  17. Too bad Polar Cub is closed for the season now. It would've been nice to stop for ice cream on my way to bow hunting in Readington with all this 80 degree weather late october and early november.
  18. 80 degrees here right now, as we start this ridiculous 3 day torch.
  19. The growing season didn't end for my location. I was surprised when I woke up early in the morning and saw that it was cloudy outside. That was a MAJOR break. That cloud cover stopped the temp from falling right when it was hitting 32, and saved my area from having a damaging freeze. I was just out in the vegetable garden and not one bit of damage. I will be picking a lot more pole lima beans with this warm pattern coming up. Very happy now after being pretty nervous about last night.
  20. The pole lima beans are amazing how strong they produce right up until first freeze. Right now I'm picking the most I've had all season. The tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are really fizzling out now, but the pole lima beans are still flowering with new pods coming on all the time. So I hope we avoid the freeze tomorrow night. It's going to be a close call with temps getting down near freezing here. It would be ashame to see it come to an end, especially considering the warm pattern coming with no more freeze threats for quite awhile after tomorrow night.
  21. I'm a little nervous about Sunday night. Right now I think 33 or 34 so the growing season can continue here, but a very close call. My pole lima beans are still producing heavily and will keep doing that up until a freeze. If we can get through Sunday night, we'll be in good shape for it to continue for a long time with a warm pattern settling in. Looks like 80 degrees for Halloween. Crazy.
  22. That does look like a decent cool shot Sunday into Monday. Looks like another close call for the growing season like we had with last week's cool shot when it got down to 34 here. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay just above the freezing level again so the growing season can continue. I think it will, but it looks close for Sunday night. Hopefully just mid 30s.
  23. 82 degrees here. I'm leaving for bow hunting right now. It sure doesn't feel like hunting weather, lol. Two more days of this and then a nice cooldown.
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