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Everything posted by winterwx21

  1. I got 1 inch from the last event. If we can repeat that I'd gladly take it. A little snow is a lot better than no snow to me, but I know some snow lovers don't care about small events. We'll see about Saturday morning ... it could easily be just a dusting or nothing too.
  2. Who knows why Tropical Tidbits made that error, but I don't use that site anyway. Pivotalweather is much better.
  3. On Pivotalweather it correctly shows it as snow. GFS would be a half inch to 1 inch for most of the area. At this point it appears we're down to rooting for an inch like we got on Monday. I'll still be tracking this as long as we have a shot at a light snowfall.
  4. Model runs tonight were not good. If they're right we're looking at just a coating, but there's still plenty of time. The chance of getting a moderate event has gone way down, but we can still bump this back up to a 1 to 2 inch event Saturday morning with the trough moving through. That would be nice. Hopefully the models tomorrow will beef it back up a bit. I'm not giving up.
  5. But if it's consistent cold it's likely that at least light snowfall threats will pop up. We're not doing too bad with over 5 inches so far and likely a little more on the way for Saturday. I'll take a consistent cold pattern that at least gives us a chance.
  6. Of course I want a bigger storm, but I'll gladly take another inch or two. At least the Euro gives us another light snowfall. Maybe this is the winter of numerous light snowfalls and we can nickel and dime our way to near normal snowfall. It beats a blowtorch winter. Looks like a below normal January after a below normal December. We haven't had a winter like this in awhile.
  7. 1 inch here as well. Nice little event! I'm leaving now for deer hunting. Great day to do it with snow on the ground. I love hunting with snow on the ground. I'm glad the light snow event ended up working out. The models did a good job showing around 1 inch for our area.
  8. Decent burst of moderate snow here right now. Beautiful out there.
  9. Approaching a half inch so far here. With those decent looking radar returns in eastern PA, I think we have a good chance of at least getting to an inch.
  10. Yep and this is why I kept saying I was staying interested and not giving up. It didn't take much for us to get a nice little 1 to 2 inch event out of this. Of course I want a bigger storm, but these small snow events are nice too. It's beautiful out there right now.
  11. HRRR has been locked into our area getting an inch or so for the last several runs, and it appears that it's going to be correct. Nice steady light snow with everything covered, and we're on our way to an inch. Maybe an inch and a half. It's a nice little event.
  12. We have a close call with snow tomorrow and a potential storm for next Saturday. Plus a consistent cold pattern. Plenty to talk about.
  13. But we need the cold to at least have a shot at snow. The fact that January is looking like a cold month gives us a good chance to get some snow events. I'll be over the cold in March and rooting for warm weather as we head towards the gardening season, but for now I'm glad we're looking at a consistent cold pattern for the next few weeks. Hopefully it will produce.
  14. Yeah that's certainly possible. It wouldn't be surprise if we just get a light coating, but I'm still very interested in this as long as we have a shot at getting 1 to 2 inches. I'm rooting for the HRRR to be correct but it could be overdoing it.
  15. Was hoping to get a better idea with it moving one way or the other this morning, but it still looks like a very close call for our area here in Middlesex County. We could get a couple inches or just a little coating. As Walt said snow ratios will be better than 10:1, so that's a positive. At least we're still in the game to get an inch or so.
  16. If HRRR and NAM are correct our area is getting an advisory level event, but of course we have a ways to go to find out if they're correct. Still a very tough call with our area being near the edge of the accumulating snow, but we're definitely seeing some encouraging signs. .
  17. And with how NAM and HRRR look, our area is still in the game. NE of NYC has no shot, but our area can get a couple inches out of this. I think people have been giving up too early since the mesoscale models will have a better idea on the northern extent of the precip. Let's hope the HRRR is onto something. This can end up more south with our area getting almost nothing, but we do have a shot.
  18. Sounds like it's another OT over there lol.
  19. Haha. Well at least the CMC keeps next weekend's storm to the south. I'm glad we still have something to watch if Monday ends up being a complete fail with snow missing us to the south.
  20. As I said last night, it's still too early to give up for our area. Obviously the significant amounts are going to be to the south, but I think we're seeing enough this morning to believe that our area still has a shot to get a couple inches. Hopefully we'll see some more little north bumps tonight into tomorrow. Our area is very close to the edge right now ... we only need a slight change.
  21. I agree with you. I see 0z Euro is about the same as the 12z run ... it gives us a little light snow with maybe a half inch to an inch. Maybe this event will keep trending worse and we won't get a flake, but it's still possible for our area to get 1 to 2 inches. As long as that's possible I'll keep rooting for this. To me a little snow is a lot better than no snow at all.
  22. Not looking good but it's still too early to give up. SnowGoose gave the reason why there could be a major change in the 24 to 36 hours before the event.
  23. At 72 hours away it's still too early to say models are locked in for sure. Model skill isn't that good. I don't think we're going to get a major shift that gives us a big snowstorm, but we could get enough of a north bump that our area gets a few inches. I could also see our area only getting a half inch coating. We'll see. At least it will be cold enough that even a very light snow will accumulate.
  24. Only a shade better, but at least it's still early enough that slight improvements are ok. I wouldn't want to be north and east of NYC for this one, but our area still has a shot at getting a few inches of snow.
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