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Everything posted by Yanksfan

  1. Hope that track is a recurring theme this winter.
  2. Until that mega warm blob weakens in time or migrates east in a more favorable position, it won’t matter if we even have a raging southern jet this winter. That’s a no go for snow for the eastern folks.
  3. My business manager is driving down there for a wedding in a couple of days.
  4. Yep. Take 1983 for example. Pattern was awful that season then came the big dog. One storm is all it took.
  5. Getting clobbered with very heavy rainfall. Radar looks like some training going on.
  6. My expectations this upcoming winter is at an all time low. Central based LaNina, -PDO, solar max, not to mention a warming climate. I’m calling it right now. Central Park will be shut out as far as snowfall is concerned.
  7. Basically snow lovers in the east are screwed with any ENSO state as long as that pool of boiling water in the western pacific remains. We need it to either migrate east or hope for a big cooldown neither of which appears to be happening anytime soon.
  8. So you’re saying that I have to put up with another five years of warm snowless winters? No thanks. Time to sell the house honey and shuffle off to Buffalo!
  9. Not saying when but in due time it will. While this pattern is stubborn, weather is cyclical by nature. Who can forget the string of great winters the metro had a decade ago? All good and bad patterns ultimately come to an end.
  10. Having that warm Pacific blob migrate eastward would fix the winter blahs as well.
  11. Raining like cats and dogs over here. Pretty intense lighting and thunder display as well.
  12. Severe thunderstorm watch has just been posted.
  13. It’s like if a Cat 4 hurricane is making a beeline at the city. My emotions would be on the fence between intense fear and sheer excitement.
  14. Just messing with the warm trolls. Can’t stand the people out there that the snowless winters we’ve been having recently is because of climate change. I call out BS to that. I lived through the 1980’s. Talk about lack of snow. Was that the result of climate change? Don’t think so. As a snow enthusiast I have to say we have been spoiled by the big winters in the 2010’s. Weather is cyclical. We’re just paying the piper right now.
  15. So zero expectations for next winter? I guess I won’t be needing my snowblower anymore. Should I put it on eBay?
  16. I would settle for boring hopefully the next couple of weeks. Our rivers and streams deserve a much needed break. Besides I got a hunch we’re going to deal with a couple of tropical threats this summer with a hyperactive hurricane season looming.
  17. It won’t matter if it’s moderate or strong for how next winter turns out for our area without a dominate -NAO.
  18. Hate to be callous but if it refuses to snow then bring on the destruction of a cat 3 tropical cyclone instead.
  19. These past two winters have really tested my patience. Reminds me of the 1980’s growing up. Hoping for a more relaxed Pacific jet next year or the torture will continue for us snow enthusiasts.
  20. Sometimes I wonder why Venus ended up the way that it is with a run away greenhouse. Are we starting to go down that ugly road? Scary thoughts.
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