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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Everything else i agree with except the strip club part. That's an integral part of ones youth.
  2. That would beat my record. I’m impressed.
  3. I love you but i think you are slightly overreacting. I didn’t know your panties were wound so tight.
  4. I take it anyway I can get it. I’m not picky.
  5. Does Snowshoe get more snow than Deep Creek Lake?.
  6. I really hope this doesn’t happen to us. Go Giants.
  7. They would obviously be the first with 3 wild card teams. When the Broncos missed the playoffs there were only 5 playoff teams.
  8. Very nice. Enjoy the winters up there.
  9. Nice, I wasn’t aware. Where do you live?.
  10. Snowing nicely here now. It should add .5” to my total. All in all a really nice storm for December.
  11. DC got about an inch and Baltimore got between 2-3.5”
  12. That's just awful. I'm so sorry to hear it. Hang in there.
  13. LOL. You are my new idol. It's probably closer to 69 and burning.
  14. I hope your girlfriend is around tonight, i wouldn't count on the snow. I don't know because it was heavy sleet and ZR by the time i got home. Good for you, that street always is. I hope you are ok. I can barely make it on my Peleton i'm so lazy.
  15. It had switched to 50/50 snow sleet mix and it was at 3.5"
  16. Yes sir. I had my handy 25 footer with me. I didn't have a snowboard or any of that jazz but i measured in 5 areas around my office
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