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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. I mean if over two hours is close than they’re close.
  2. Dude i love you. I think just hit the sack and we can enjoy the models tomorrow.
  3. Unfortunately this happens to @clskinsfanevery time he drinks. He is a good guy, being drunk just doesn’t bring out his best side.
  4. A bit too much of the 18 year olds tonight. I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up. Let’s watch the models over the next few days.
  5. You don’t see my weenie emoji in your post?.
  6. You’re being weenied because of the time you’re saying this. The storm is still 96 hours out and you’re positive it’s over, that’s just stupid.
  7. This has to be a joke?. Look at the bottom right of each post and you can see the emojis. I think you’re the world record holder in weenies.
  8. I know you love my weenie, let’s see what happens in the next 36 hours. Then if warranted you can freak the fuck out and I won’t weenie you. Deal?.
  9. I highly doubt it shows this in a couple days, unless the other models move towards it.
  10. I disagree. I think we’re getting @NorthArlington101 happy spot, 3”.
  11. It’s only snow. It’s nothing compared to real life, health and family. So we get skunked, it’s annoying but nothing in the grand scheme of life.
  12. Not even staying up for the Euro?. I’m slashing your buses tires.
  13. What are you going to do with that poor stuffed plushie.
  14. I’m drinking, i can’t remember anything. I’m just waiting for the Euro to roll in with my 8”.
  15. It has always been like that, even in the good days. It is what it is. I’m still not convinced we’re getting less than 6” from this.
  16. Oh good. This should be fun if the UK and Euro go to shit. Keep drinking.
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