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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Never, trust me. Life is all about fun, when you stop that it's not worth living.
  2. I prefer women to be on top anyway. It makes for a much more enjoyable workplace.
  3. I think it was 2001, but my memory isn't close to some of the people on here.
  4. You may have to be 5 posted. You posted in the wrong thread.
  5. In his defense there are 3 threads and it gets confusing.
  6. It's amazing you haven't been 5 posted.
  7. I was always wondering why that was the worst Whole Foods in the area.
  8. . Glad to hear that. I don’t know what you are talking about. Why would you edit that.
  9. Some are bigger than others. I personally like the bigger ones.
  10. Lol, you are one of the most miserable, angry human beings I have ever come across. You need to grab a joint and chill out.
  11. He is a hell of a lot more valuable to this board than you are.
  12. Welcome back @Bob Chill. I missed you more than i miss sex. I hope to you see you again for next Sunday’s storm. It’s no fun around here without you.
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