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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. How did you know i had to bite my keyboard to stop from responding to this.
  2. Have no fear, you will get jackpotted.
  3. Welcome back. We have missed you. Your maps are generally the best around here.
  4. Your face is coming. I feel it.
  5. I haven’t been this happy since a blind girl agreed to date me.
  6. You’re a complete DICK. Please don’t post here anymore.
  7. I actually think this one is happening.
  8. The tent is twice the size of a normal day.
  9. I officially have a pants tent.
  10. I take that back. This was worth you having too much time on your hands .
  11. I love you, but you have way too much time on your hands these days.
  12. I’m so so sorry to hear about your father @WxWatcher007. May he rip. Hopefully your family can get over this awful tragedy rather quickly. You will be in my prayers. Hang in there.
  13. @MillvilleWx I’m so happy to hear your wife is doing better. Staph infections are beyond scary. Enjoy your trip and I hope you get a lot of snow.
  14. Where is @stormtracker ?, to tell you to shut the Chuck up.
  15. Happy Anniversary. To many more happy ones.
  16. Bitching in the main thread is definitely helpful.
  17. Nobody is forcing you to stay here.
  18. The performance enhancing stuff never works, just ask @Ji.
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