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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. That entire section is honestly an embarrassment to humanity. Funny to see the political leanings of most on there.
  2. That place has a lot of people with WAY too much time on their hands.
  3. As are pictures of Victoria's Secret models, unless you look like Zak Efron. People still love to look at them.
  4. @psuhoffmanwill be posting 4" pics with drifts to 6".
  5. Since this is a family board, I’ll skip one of the 900 comments I have on this post.
  6. What a great surprise. It came down hot and heavy. Got over .6”.
  7. Unfortunately i only have one blue thing, and it ain't my snow map.
  8. The nerve. I was looking forward to your pbp. You got a last minute booty call?.
  9. I guarantee you my deck is whiter and bigger than his.
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