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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. If you don’t know what comedy is then I guess.
  2. I have taught you well. You will be getting your diploma in the mail very shortly.
  3. Darn, i guess i will have to wait for some ZR to show up on the maps.
  4. The last time that happened for me @stormtracker was visiting.
  5. That’s usually a smart assumption.
  6. I literally passed by the gas station less than a minute after they shot him. I saw like 8 cops with guns still drawn. Insane.
  7. He is long sleeping. Tonight may have been the latest he has been up since his wedding night.
  8. It's not the money, it's the principal. They have surpassed a level of greed i couldn't even dream was possible.
  9. This will be the first NFL playoff game i will miss in over 40 years. F*CK the NFL.
  10. The BIG ones lock in early. You should know that better than anyone.
  11. I hear you. We all lose it at one point. It just came off as very rude.
  12. Keep us updated please. We’re on the edge of our seats.
  13. @brooklynwx99 please ignore grumpy rude Ralph. We really appreciate your contributions here.
  14. I mean this with all due respect, your moronic comments are the reason pros don’t like to post here.
  15. Everyone in this thread needs a nice massage and then a happy ending with 6” of snow. It’s mighty tense in here.
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