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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Really coming down nicely here. Definitely over 4.5” but too lazy to go outside and measure.
  2. Just teasing. Glad you got your exercise. If you want more, my driveway is eagerly awaiting you.
  3. Mine will definitely get you there. It’s all yours.
  4. I’m so jealous to be honest. I would love to help him stain it.
  5. Plus we have the mentally deranged weathercoins. What a cap to the evening.
  6. Huge deck Cape. I’d love to spend some time on it.
  7. Unfortunately Tom T has been out to lunch since his school lunch days.
  8. This would give me close to 7” if this came true. Hook me up.
  9. I love you Chuck, but is it possible they give you back access to the PR/OT but revoke the weather discussion posting?.
  10. Looks really nice outside now. I haven't been working, just staring out the window.
  11. This is what happens when you party until 5 am. @stormtrackeris on an MLK weekend bender.
  12. Ummmm…. You’re the top pro, we could always use your input. I miss those days. I hope you and your family are well.
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