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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Snowing hard. So beautiful outside.
  2. I just passed by Ji’s house and i saw a HUGE flake.
  3. You need to lay off the Coke and alcohol.
  4. I would give the Ukie it’s first kid.
  5. Subtle is my middle name. It used to be speedy, but I changed it.
  6. Randy’s don’t look anything like that.
  7. Can you please send me your Grindr login so you don't have to deal with amateurs anymore.
  8. Two special needs people going after each other is always a blast.
  9. Basically a hold from 12 and 18Z correct?. Eta: Nice looks wetter.
  10. Absolutely, it leads to more beautiful white stuff.
  11. Ummmmm….. have you looked out your window and seen where you live?.
  12. Let's bring this home so we don't have to hear anymore of Ji's incessant complaining.
  13. Jesus is not going to help you with me, you better pray harder.
  14. He heard he could possibly be getting 3" so of course he canceled his meeting. He is a true weather nut.
  15. It’s a tit nipply outside tonight.
  16. So sorry to hear that. My wife is just getting over it and it was a pretty painful week. Feel better fast.
  17. Stop exciting Randy (unfortunately i don't know his last name) so much.
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