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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Loll. Your guess is probably going to be surpassed by Monday night. DCA: 7.1" IAD: 9.6" BWI: 8.3" RIC: 6.3" SBY: 6.7"
  2. I meant for the season. My prediction BWI: 25.5" DCA:15.7" IAD: 26.9" RIC: 13.6" Tiebreaker (SBY): 10.2"
  3. You should have followed my lead in the snow prediction thread.
  4. To that level I would be very surprised. A little yes.
  5. Better map than even the best @Ellinwood.
  6. It looks like a multicolor picture.
  7. You’re making me blush. That’s so kind of you.
  8. If you wear a condom, you could have avoided that mess.
  9. So why did you text me last week asking for an entire bag of them?.
  10. This is true, but it generally is decent.
  11. It's great to see you Wes. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Whenever i see you posting i know a big storm is coming.
  12. Are we going to be seeing your map?. I miss those like i miss my first girlfriend.
  13. We have plenty of time. First let’s get through the foot we’re getting on Monday.
  14. The CMC scores quite a bit better than the GFS, so I’m not sure why you’re saying this.
  15. I thought she was rather good looking.
  16. I resemble one of those words.
  17. Unfortunately probably not for long. I go there a lot and every time someone farts the power goes out.
  18. Thank the lord, your posts are dumber than my 2 year olds.
  19. Awww, i thought it was a two way street. I guess not.
  20. That's why you love me so much.
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