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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Lol, basketball is very unforgiving in that way.
  2. With your skill, absolutely.
  3. Sports is allowed here, music I’m not so sure. Who died and made you boss?.
  4. I hope when i go for my Jebwalk, you come to shovel my driveway.
  5. I wish it was 11:00 pm already. At least i have the Caps game to keep me entertained for now.
  6. Baby got back. Let’s pull 2-4” with this as a tasty appetizer.
  7. When you see @usedtobe in here you know things are about to get real good. Hey Wes.
  8. LOL, if you had posted something like that i would need a cardiologist. Just thinking it is enough for me. Bravo. BTW i knew exactly what you were thinking and it was hilarious.
  9. I feel it in my old bones that this isn't far off from the final solution.
  10. . I knew you would come around. To say I'm proud of you is a strong understatement.
  11. You mean HECS. 16" is nothing to sneeze at. 19" if you believe Kuchie.
  12. The wire connecting his wheelchair tires.
  13. If i didn't have a generator, i would be out of power once a month. Someone farts by me and the power goes out.
  14. They said yesterday 24-36 hours prior.
  15. Good thing you aren’t an oddsmaker, i would put his over under at like 14”.
  16. I’m bringing this baby home like I promised. Look out.
  17. The Orioles don’t start spring training in 6 days.
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