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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Oh i trust him, i just need visual aids.
  2. I can't imagine he won't, plus Holliday and Mayo should both be better. I think we win between 88-92 games.
  3. True but all the youngsters being a year older i believe will definitely help.
  4. Because you poured a drink in it.
  5. Lol, absolutely. I can only take so much of this shit.
  6. I completely disagree with that. I guess time will tell.
  7. If the Ai goes 4-4 I’m renaming it Gunnar Henderson.
  8. I’m NW of Baltimore, but i agree i would love everything pushed 50 miles South.
  9. You’re cold. Don’t do us dirty like that. I slept 3 hours last night and i waited up to hear your delicious pbp.
  10. It’s greatly appreciated. I’m too cheap to pay so I rely on you.
  11. I would be thrilled with 6-8”. Let’s hope that’s what we get. We aren’t getting the 18-20” we saw yesterday.
  12. Please control yourself. As you know I’m the master of self control.
  13. Lol @NorthArlington101is like days ahead of you guys.
  14. Barely 6”, do you think that is enough to please someone?.
  15. I’m teasing. Even if this is the final outcome I would be tickled pink.
  16. Ummm…. Who is we?. I got F**KED. Oh well.
  17. It’s unreal. Tank you morons.
  18. That’s totally acceptable, unless you’re Ji.
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