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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Suckglaze. Let’s hope Tuesday is better.
  2. I was very calm, i was pointing it out in case you didn’t know. Have a lovely evening.
  3. https://www.spreadtheword.global/resource-archive/r-word-effects https://www.specialolympics.org/stories/impact/why-the-r-word-is-the-r-slur
  4. I agree with you, just to point out one thing. To use the R word is highly offensive to anyone with special needs. It's akin to a racial slur or a horribly sexist comment. It's definitely way worse than all my dick jokes, shockingly none of the people who complain about it, have said one word about this.
  5. I assume you’re a pretty bright guy, do you actually think starting a thread affects the weather. It’s so nonsensical it’s almost not believable.
  6. If this is the floor, we’re in great shape.
  7. Lol. You're in luck though since he moved South now. Oil the snow blower.
  8. I wouldn't sweat it. 99 times out of 100 you will jackpot.
  9. I also thought there were some horrible calls against MD. Their D was horrendous the second half.
  10. Lol, a few are legit but most i wouldn’t know if i hit them with my pants tent.
  11. At least I don’t owe @stormtrackermy testicles.
  12. @winter_warlockreally screwed the forum when he shitted himself.
  13. Lol, I’m going to sleep as well then. Punish two of us, why don’t you. It’s one run, it’s all good. I’ll bet you my testicles the Euro now comes in showing 8-12”.
  14. Unfortunately for me it’s like 2”, but like i said it’s one run over 100 hours out. If all the models show this on Saturday night or Sunday morning, i will definitely throw a JI.
  15. Dude this isn’t 4-6”, unless you have glaucoma.
  16. I disagree. It’s a total debacle. I have had more dandruff than snow I’m going to see according to the 0Z GFS. It’s definitely not the final solution so I’m not too worried about.
  17. I would say BULLSHIT. That’s just horrific.
  18. That second half was like watching a train wreck. So disappointing.
  19. Lol, that’s amazing. I still remember when i got my first computer and AOL how happy i was. Those were the good old days, when most people were actually sane and you cared about your fellow human beings. So sad how bad the world has gotten the last 35 years.
  20. For a senior citizen I have a pretty good memory.
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